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What to know about Trump's outreach with Arab Americans led by his daughter Tiffany's father-in-law


Donald Trump's allies hope to seize on dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden among Arab American voters.

Trump allies hope his daughter Tiffany's father-in-law can help flip Arab American votes in Michigan


A Lebanese businessman whose son married Tiffany Trump two years ago is now helping Donald Trump with outreach in the Arab American community.


Stores are more subdued in observing Pride Month. Some LGBTQ+ people see a silver lining in that


With Pride Month in full gear, U.S. shoppers can find the usual merchandise many stores stock for the June celebration of LGBTQ+ culture and rights.


Chinese premier promises more pandas and urges Australia to put aside differences


Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s visit to Australia has focused on positive aspects of the bilateral relationship including shared giant pandas and a rebounding wine trade after he urged both countries to shelve their differences.


Trump blasts immigrants for taking jobs as he courts voters at a Black church, MAGA event in Detroit


Donald Trump is blaming immigrants for stealing jobs and government resources as he courts separate groups of Black voters and hardcore conservatives in battleground Michigan.


Trump challenges Biden to a cognitive test but confuses the name of the doctor who tested him


Donald Trump has suggested President Joe Biden “should have to take a cognitive test,” only to confuse who administered the test to him in the next sentence.

Saturday, Jun 15


Indiana Republicans upset Mike Braun’s choice for lieutenant governor, backing far-right pick


Indiana Republicans have rejected Sen. Mike Braun’s choice for lieutenant governor, instead nominating a podcasting pastor with far-right views to be his running mate.


Italian Premier Meloni describes Putin's cease-fire offer for Ukraine as 'propaganda'


Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni has dismissed a cease-fire offer for Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin as “propaganda” as she wraps up a Group of Seven summit that saw a deal reached for a $50 billion loan to Ukraine.


How Elon Musk's $44.9B Tesla pay package compares with the most generous plans for other U.S. CEOs


Even though the median U.S. CEO pay package last year was nearly 200 times more than a worker in the middle of their company pay scales, Elon Musk’s record-setting Tesla compensation dwarfs them by comparison.


Many Senate Republicans were done with Trump after Jan. 6. Now they want him back in the White House


After the 2020 election, many Republican senators distanced themselves from Donald Trump.


Legal challenges mount against Line 5 pipeline project


Progress continues on a controversial plan to build a crude oil pipeline tunnel under the Mackinac Straits despite legal opposition from Native American tribes, environmental groups, and others.


Construction milestone reached for Gordie Howe bridge project


A key milestone was completed in constructing the Gordie Howe International Bridge.


Trump marks his 78th birthday with a towering 'MAGA' cake and attacks on his 81-year-old rival's age


Donald Trump has marked his 78th birthday by addressing a fawning crowd in Florida, promising to crack down hard on the U.S.-Mexico border and repeatedly dismissing his opponent in November’s election, President Joe Biden, as too frail to…


Judge dismisses lawsuit challenging federal rules to accommodate abortions for workers


A lawsuit challenging federal rules entitling workers to time off and other accommodations for abortions lacks standing, a federal judge in Arkansas ruled on Friday.

Speaker Johnson says House will go to court for Biden audio after Justice Dept. refused to prosecute


Speaker Mike Johnson says the House will go to court to enforce the subpoena against Attorney General Merrick Garland for access to President Joe Biden’s special counsel audio interview.

Las Vegas shooting survivors alarmed at US Supreme Court's strike down of ban on rifle bump stocks


The U.S. Supreme Court Friday struck down a ban on the rapid-fire rifle bump stock used by the gunman who rattled off over 1,000 bullets in 11 minutes in Las Vegas in 2017.


Biden, Meloni meet on sidelines of G7 summit but one notable matter wasn't on the table: abortion


President Joe Biden and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni have spoke privately on various matters but apparently not on abortion.

The fizz is gone: Atlanta's former Coca-Cola museum demolished for parking lot


Georgia’s state government is demolishing a building that once housed a Coca-Cola museum.

Friday, Jun 14


Alex Jones’ personal assets to be sold to pay $1.5B Sandy Hook debt. Company bankruptcy is dismissed


Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is facing a court-ordered sell-off of many of his personal assets while the future of his Infowars media platform remains up in the air.


New York Gov. Kathy Hochul wrongly says Buffalo supermarket killer used a bump stock


Around an hour after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a ban on bump stocks, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul wrongly said a gunman who carried out a racist massacre in her hometown of Buffalo had used the gun accessory that can allow…

Stock market today: Wall Street hangs around its records after European stocks slump


U.S. stocks hung around their record levels as Wall Street remained relatively quiet following another slide in Europe.


Trump once defied the NRA to ban bump stocks. He now says he 'did nothing' to restrict guns


Donald Trump’s campaign has found itself defending a Supreme Court decision to strike down a ban that he himself had hailed as an achievement on gun control six years ago.


U.S. regulators are investigating an unusual 'Dutch roll' of a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 Max


Federal officials are investigating an unusual rolling motion during the flight of a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 Max.

Google CEO testifies at trial of collapsed startup Ozy Media and founder Carlos Watson


Google CEO Sundar Pichai has testified briefly at the federal financial conspiracy trial surrounding the collapse of once-touted startup Ozy Media.

The RNC is launching a massive effort to monitor voting. Critics say it threatens to undermine trust


The Republican National Committee is launching a battleground state initiative to mobilize some 100,000 polling place monitors, poll workers and attorneys to serve as “election integrity” watchdogs in November.


FAA investigating how titanium parts with falsified records wound up in Boeing and Airbus planes


Federal officials are investigating how parts made with titanium sold with falsified documentation wound up in Boeing and Airbus passenger jets.

What to know about bump stocks and the Supreme Court ruling striking down a ban on the gun accessory


The gun accessory the Supreme Court just ruled on allows a rifle to fire dozens of bullets within seconds.


Supreme Court strikes down Trump-era ban on rapid-fire rifle bump stocks, reopening political fight


The Supreme Court has struck down a Trump-era ban on bump stocks, a rapid-fire gun accessory that was used in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.


High orange juice prices may be on the table for a while due to disease and extreme weather


Orange juice prices have always been volatile and highly dependent on the weather.

What happened this week in the UK election campaign, from manifesto launches to robots and Haribos


The U.K. general election campaign has now passed the halfway mark.