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Earth Month: Simple Steps For A Greener Tomorrow

Forbes EQ

April is Earth Month, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on our environmental impact and commit to positive change. Just as Plastic-Free July is a time to focus on reducing plastic waste, Earth Month is an opportunity to focus on sustainable practices in our daily lives.

Each change we make in our daily routines can have a significant impact on the planet. By choosing sustainable products and practices, we can each reduce our carbon footprint, minimize waste, and support eco-friendly brands, like Erleia.

As a sustainability-focused brand, we focus on making sustainable choices year-round. So for Earth Month, we’ve collected three of our favorite tips:

Shop Refills

Check out your local refill store or zero waste store - these stores allow you to bring your own (clean!) containers to refill essentials like cleaning products and personal care items. Brands like Erleia partner with refill stores to offer large format products, like 32 fl oz growlers of our face oils, in order to reduce packaging waste. These stores also often have sustainability-related events and offer tips on sustainable practices.

Refills are also becoming more mainstream, so the next time you stock up on your household products at a big box store, check if your favorite brand offers a refill size. Each refill can reduce single use plastic waste and encourage a more circular economy.

Reduce Single Use Items

Swap out your single-use products for reusable ones. The most common swap we see is using a cotton tote bag instead of a plastic or paper shopping bag. However, sustainable swaps can go even further - there are now options for swapping out cotton pads, cotton swabs, paper towels, plastic gallon bags, coffee cups, water bottles, and even toilet paper.

When making swaps, we suggest prioritizing swaps that will be easy for you to incorporate into your lifestyle, so the new habit sticks!

Learn More About Recycling

According to the EPA, the US recycling rate is 32%. Increasing this rate is dependent on education around recycling and recycling streams, which can differ by state and municipality. You can learn how to recycle most household items by going to your city or county’s recycling page. These websites often also have resources for responsibly recycling or disposing of hard-to-recycle items, like plastic film or bubble wrap mailers.

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