An individual was recently banned for a period of five years by a court to avoid approaching women while using public transport. The 34-year-old Kristaps Berzins, a resident of Birmingham City, United Kingdom, is alleged to have sexually assaulted a woman on a train. According to the reports, he left Birmingham on a train headed for Manchester on June 30 last year. He began making improper remarks and lewd gestures while sitting next to the woman. The man went on to sexually abuse her even though she was wearing headphones and clearly ignoring him.

When Kristaps went to the restroom, the woman left her seat and got away. She quickly changed her seat and told a train employee about the incident, and the staffer called the police. UK Man Banned From Having Sex Talk: Chester Magistrates Court Prohibits Man Accused of Sexual Misconduct From Talking About Sex to Women Across England and Wales.

Kristaps was found guilty after an investigation by the British Transport Police. He was found guilty on April 4 by the Birmingham Magistrate's Court and given a seven-month jail sentence. The 34-year-old was given a five-year ban by the court from sitting, approaching, touching, or interacting with any lone female on public transit. In addition, a seven-year sex offender registry signature and a £300 (about Rs 31,000) fine were imposed against him. Wearing Thong as Face Mask Gets US Man Kicked Off and Banned From United Airlines Flight, Watch Bizarre Viral Video.

The victim expressed satisfaction that the accused had been held accountable for his actions after the court's decision. Investigating Officer PC Molly Brunton Cole reportedly stated, "This was a terrifying encounter for the young woman who bravely reported the incident and supported the investigation," according to a Mirror story. Berzins is thankfully no longer on the streets as a sexual predator. We take seriously all accusations of unwelcome sexual activity and sexual harassment, and we will assist victims as we look into these claims, he added.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 12, 2024 12:32 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website