How a healthy gut might help spice up your sex life

A study shows that the wrong balance of bacteria could be holding back poorly performing pandas — but the findings could provide lessons for humans too
Previous studies looking at humans have linked low libido to a certain gut bacteria “signature”
Previous studies looking at humans have linked low libido to a certain gut bacteria “signature”

Pandas have sex only once a year and aren’t very good at it when they do. Some males are so bad, in fact, that they are termed sexually “incapable”.

If that sounds familiar, then fear not — a potential panda libido booster might also point to a human one too. Scientists have found that the guts of incapable pandas, which are defined as not able to successfully mount a female, contain different balances of bacteria.

The findings in the undersexed ursus also fit with similar tentative work in humans, both male and female, suggesting that gut health could be linked to sexual health. Taken as a whole, the research implies that, maybe, a more varied diet could make for a more varied time in the