Trump's Niece Says Letitia James 'Holds Donald's Feet To Fire' As Ex-President Grapples With Consequences Of Years Of Flouting Law: 'Beginning Of...Reckoning'

Zinger Key Points
  • Donald Trump's legal team is trying to reach a deal with James' office over the $175 million bond in the civil fraud case.
  • The AG's office agreed to allow the bond to be backed by Knight Specialty Insurance, contingent on certain restrictions.

As Donald Trump shuttles between two courtrooms in New York, things could be as bad as it gets for the ex-president, his niece and clinical psychologist Mary Trump said on Monday.

What Happened: Monday marked the “beginning of Donald’s reckoning,” Mary Trump said, as in one room prosecutors exposed “Donald's alleged criminal conspiracy to interfere with the election: the hush money payments; the deal with former America Media CEO David Pecker to have The National Enquirer run positive coverage of Donald while simultaneously attacking his opponents.”

“The sketchy accounting used to hide the truth from American voters before the 2016 election were all outlined in the prosecution's opening statement for a jury to see,” she said.

See Also: Liz Cheney Says Trump ‘Doing Everything Possible’ To Postpone Jan. 6 Case Beyond Election: ‘Deep Flaws In Character…Make Him Unfit To Serve As President’

In another room, New York Attorney General Letitia James was fighting to reinforce Donald's bond, a symbolic gesture that signals the end of an era of Donald's impunity, she noted.

James “holds Donald’s feet to fire,” said Mary Trump. Her comments came in the wake of Donald Trump’s legal team reaching a deal with James’ office over the $175 million bond in the civil fraud case. The AG’s office agreed to allow the bond to be backed by Knight Specialty Insurance, contingent on certain restrictions, including collateral remaining in cash.

“Donald was forced to start grappling with the consequences of his years—and in some cases decades—long flouting of the law,” the psychologist said.

Mary Trump also said Donald Trump’s “biggest fear is coming true.” His fear is not about losing his wealth, power, or his status, she said, adding “It's something more personal: It's the fear of being seen as a loser.”

“This is exactly what is unfolding in Judge [Juan] Merchan's courtroom — a place in which Donald has no power, no control, and no authority,” the psychologist said.

Why It’s Important: Donald Trump’s multiple cases assume importance because he is hanging in by just in what is projected to be a closely contested presidential election. The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear his presidential immunity claims on Thursday, and any delay in the apex court’s determination could be positive for the former president.

It is widely believed that the hush-money criminal case will conclude the Nov. 5 election and impact voter perception toward Donald Trump.

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