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Voters have told Tories they don’t like the plan, so why isn’t the party listening?

Even those who have stayed loyal to the Prime Minister in public have been saying for some time that voters on the doorstep have already made their minds up

Just over a year ago I happened to be at the same event as a group of people who will play a key role in planning the Conservative Party’s campaign at the next election.

Given it followed Liz Truss’s time in office and the fallout of her economic policies, we got talking about expectation management and how best to approach an electorate weary and wary of political promises.

At the time a good friend of mine had just remortgaged their house, paying hundreds of pounds more a month, which they were struggling to afford. They live in the north of the country and had, for the first time, voted for the Tories in the 2019 election.

Our conversation turned to the date the country would go to the polls, which the advisers assured me would likely be as late as possible to give people “time to feel like things are getting better”.

I shared the story of my friend and what they’d said after their mortgage bill went up – that they’d never vote Tory again, so annoyed were they that they now couldn’t afford to book a holiday. They had already made up their mind; they had stopped listening.

My campaign source brushed this off, assuring me that when people felt their bills going down – or at least not going up as quickly – they would give credit to the Government and vote them back in again to carry on with the job.

I mention this because the thing that struck me most about the conversation was the inability to understand that my friend had stopped listening. Instead of asking why and whether there might be anything that could persuade them, this person assured me my friend didn’t know their own mind.

It felt arrogant, and the same thought occured to me after comments made by the Prime Minister and some within his Cabinet off the back of the local election results.

This week Rishi Sunak is warning of a hung parliament, a message designed to encourage voters to back his party for fear of a coalition made up of Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Greens. In the face of a set of election results where people voted for all these parties over the Tories it is an interesting and somewhat strange political strategy.

Clearly it is designed to appeal to a base of people the Conservatives believe didn’t turn out to vote this time and who might be motivated to do so if only to keep Labour out of office.

This theory has been used to some effect before – including in 2015 when the Tories ran a campaign suggesting Labour was in the pocket of the SNP, leading to a small majority for David Cameron at a time when all the expectations suggested another hung parliament was more likely.

But that was a very different time and it ignores the fundamental truth illustrated by the story above, that voters are not daft. They make decisions based on how they feel, not how political parties tell them they feel.

When Transport Secretary Mark Harper popped up on the Sunday morning broadcast round this week and was asked what the Tories needed to change to win people back, his response totally ignored this problem.

On my Times Radio show I asked him, after a lengthy exchange, if it wasn’t quite arrogant to suggest the Tories know better than the voters themselves, despite the clear message the loss of so many council seats had sent.

His response – “I think the public do want us to continue focusing on [the plan]… but they want us to deliver and as I said we’ve made a lot of progress on our plan… but there is more to do” – seemed to fall short of the soul searching you might expect after such a poor set of results.

Ironically it is a problem most Conservative MPs recognised long ago. Even those who have stayed loyal to the Prime Minister in public have been saying for some time that voters on the doorstep have already made their minds up and although often apologetic, admit there’s nothing that can be done to persuade them to back the Tories again. As one former Cabinet minister told me after the local elections, “the results will make no difference, the pendulum has already swung”.

So MPs know it and voters know it, why then does the Prime Minister continue with a strategy best described as overly optimistic and at worst, willfully ignorant? The answer may be in part – what other choice does he have? Faced with defeat on what could be a significant scale, he can’t just give up and at least this message acknowledges the scale of the problem in some sense.

But I would argue that levelling with the public about how they feel would win more people around than pretending their views simply don’t exist. What comes back often in focus groups is that voters don’t mind hearing the hard truth, as long as they believe someone will lead them through it.

What they don’t like is someone who pretends that everything is fine, or will be fine, when life doesn’t feel that way. And they dislike it even more when politicians don’t listen when they send a clear message – whether Labour, Tory or otherwise. Those who refuse to hear it may find that message is delivered more forcefully still, next time around.

Kate McCann is political editor at Times Radio

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