A man blasted gunshots on a residential street as onlookers filmed the incident on Snapchat.

Terrified neighbours in Oldham, Manchester woke on Tuesday morning to find police and forensic officers swarming Prince Edward Avenue.

Residents were evacuated and the street remains taped off, Manchester Evening News reports. Greater Manchester Police said the shooting around 1am was believed to have been a 'targeted attack'.

In a clip shared on Snapchat the man is seen brandishing the gun before appearing to fire at least two shots outside a house.

Onlookers watched on as he shouted and kicked the door of the same house, with some neighbours reporting they 'thought they had heard fireworks' on the street.

The window of one house appears to have been left smashed, with some of the glass door panes also left damaged.

Nobody was hurt in the incident. But the force said officers 'are working hard to ensure those responsible are brought into custody'.

Forensic officers remained at the scene on Tuesday morning.

Patrols have been stepped up in the local area as an investigation continues. Police want to speak to any witnesses, or anyone who has dashcam, CCTV or doorbell footage.

Detective Inspector Clare Harrison, from GMP’s Oldham district, said: “We are working at pace to find out the exact circumstances of last night’s events and understanding the timeline. We are utilising all the necessary resources available as we investigate the incident, and are working hard to ensure those responsible are brought into custody

"Any report of a firearms discharge is always shocking and I know that people within the local area will be concerned and worried following this news. However, I want to tell the public that we do believe that this is a targeted attack with no wider threat to the public.

"Extra officers will be in the areas for reassurance and I would recommend chatting to them if you have any concerns - they are there for you and will be able to assist with any queries. We've continued to tackle gun crime to keep streets safer across Greater Manchester, with 78 firearms recovered in the last year alone.

"The number of shootings has continued to reduce and our specialist teams continue to remove these weapons from the hands of criminals. However, when incidents do occur, we act quickly and thoroughly to ensure those responsible are brought to justice.

"If you have information that you believe is important, please do get in touch with us via 101, quoting log number 122 of 07/05/24. You can also call the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111."

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