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The 'magical' Scottish walk said to be home to fairies and a spooky mystery

For the latest edition of the Daily Record's new weekly series highlighting Scotland's must-visit walking trails and beauty spots, we have chosen the mysterious Doon Hill and Fairy Knowe.

Footpath to Doon Hill
Doon Hill and Fairy Knowe has a bit of a spooky edge to it, but don't let that put you off visiting

After a few days of wet and grey weather in Scotland, things are set to pick up again this week.

Temperatures in the country are expected to reach the mid-20s, as we previously reported. That means now is the perfect time to get out for a peaceful walk in the spectacular Scottish countryside.

With bright skies and warm temperatures in the forecast, you can bet that all of the popular walking trails and beaches will be swarming with Scots keen to make the most of it. Luckily, there are plenty of lesser known and secluded destinations you can head to if it is peace and quiet you're after.

One of these is the mysterious Doon Hill and Fairy Knowe near the Perthshire village of Aberfoyle. The Daily Record has chosen it for the latest edition of our new weekly series spotlighting Scotland's most stunning beauty spots and hiking trails.

This circular route, which passes through some of the country's most tranquil and picturesque woodlands, is as magical as its name suggests. Starting and ending at the east side of Aberfoyle car park, it is around four miles long and should take about two hours to complete.

Scotland is no stranger to fairy folklore, and nowhere is that more clear than Doon Hill and Fairy Knowe. It is home to various fairy houses and trees where visitors have left offerings to the magical creatures.

However, there is also a more sinister side to the legend. In 1691, local reverend Robert Kirk's body was found on Doon Hill, with many believing that his spirit was taken by the fairies after he revealed too much about them in a book that he wrote.

Don't let that put you off, though. Doon Hill and Fairy Knowe is a gorgeous walk that needs to be experienced at least once.

Continue reading for some photos showing why Doon Hill and Fairy Knowe is definitely worth checking out this May. Meanwhile, you can also find the Daily Record's previous Walks of the Week below:

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