Mudavadi: Let's respect independence of institutions

"We have to maintain the independence of institutions for them to be fair and just."

In Summary
  • Mudavadi said respecting the legal arm of government is paramount, saying the judicial system plays as the last line of defence for the nation.
  • He noted that President William Ruto pronounced himself on the need of judicial independence and the independence of institutions such as the ODPP.
Prime Cabinet Secretary during the funeral service of Mama Femina Khayisia, mother to DPP Renson Mulele Ingonga in Makunga village, Kakamega County on May 11, 2024.
Prime Cabinet Secretary during the funeral service of Mama Femina Khayisia, mother to DPP Renson Mulele Ingonga in Makunga village, Kakamega County on May 11, 2024.
Image: OPCS

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has urged Kenyans to respect the independence of institutions as they are a pillar to the country's stability.

He also called for respect for the rule of law and the need to adhere to roles that the legal fraternity plays saying these should not be compromised.

"We need to always do what is right and what is fair. We have to maintain the independence of institutions for them to be fair, firm and just in serving the people without fear or favour," he said.

He spoke on Saturday during the funeral service of Mama Femina Khayisia, mother to Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Renson Mulele Ingonga in Makunga village, Kakamega.

Mudavadi said respecting the legal arm of government is paramount, saying the judicial system plays as the last line of defence for the nation.

He noted that President William Ruto pronounced himself on the need for judicial independence and the independence of institutions such as the ODPP.

The Prime CS warned that politicising such institutions kills their urge to serve the nation well.

He said leaders must show unanimity, deep reconciliation and understanding for them to bind the country together.

He called upon public officers to be at the forefront in ensuring that the rule of law is followed.

"I want Kenyans to respect the role President Ruto is playing in ensuring that the country remains united. You have seen him reconcile from the political stand of the 2022 campaigns and elections and even now he is the one pushing for the candidature of Raila Odinga as the African Union chair," he said.

"This means he has kept aside political persuasions and wants the country to move forward steadily and united."

Mudavadi said leaders should stop propagating narratives that do not help in uniting the people.

"We need to engage in a conversation that focuses on development and turning the fortunes of Kenyans into a better tomorrow," he said.

Mudavadi eulogised Mama Femina as a matriarch whose service to society was immeasurable.

Present were National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula, Cabinet Secretaries Moses Kuria and Aisha Jumwa, Governors Fernandes Barasa, Johnson Sakaja, Jonathan Bii and Paul Otuoma among other leaders.

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