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OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégé Maggie Innes.

Read on to see what’s written in the stars for you today. 


NOV 23 - DEC 21

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Your health chart is piling up positive planets – and making this the perfect week to push a fitness plan forward.

It’s important to recognise changes you have already made, and
how strong you see you can be.

Even the most tantalising temptation has no power over you this week, when you truly believe in your future.

Love is all there between the lines of a dry work message.

DESTINY DAYS: Whenever you hear a clock striking, there’s new luck on the way.

Half way through a Friday conversation is when the truth can come out. Choose Monday for chores, and Saturday for choices.

LUCKY LINKS: A pattern of honeycomb tiles. A former friend who appears on a family news feed - do find out more. Jewellery made of shells, or pebbles.

TAROT TWIST: When the light of the STAR card shines bright through your life, you can see all the faults and flaws in people and projects, yet still find positive ways to push forward.

This is such a shining card of optimism and protection – but it also reminds you trusting to luck is not enough.

Make sure you do adequate research and keep all appropriate lines of communication open. Don’t waste your Star Power – use it!

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