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OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégé Maggie Innes.

Read on to see what’s written in the stars for you today. 


DEC 22 - JAN 20

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You are an unstoppable mix right now of Pluto earning potential plus creative Mercury methods to expand on money, knowledge – even love – that you already have.

All the right people will be watching, and this can end a time of emotional waiting.

Mars can’t let family frustration lie – just make sure you discuss it with caring, not anger. A love gift may cost next to nothing, but can mean everything.

DESTINY DAYS: For work golden hellos or just a chance to dive deeper, Monday and Wednesday work best.  

Love is so hot on Friday, especially in a spicy setting.

LUCKY LINKS: Any kind of creature that swims. The work colleague with the longest service. The door number - or postcode -  of your dream home.

TAROT TWIST: New environments, and challenges, come with your card of the week, the WORLD – and it advises you that recent efforts to be more sensible with cash, emotions and time, can pay off now.

Yes, new horizons are so tempting, but it’s important also to celebrate how far you have already come, and what you have achieved.

Ruled by steady Saturn, the World is a card of gradual progress, rather than overnight success. So say no to too-easy shortcuts.

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