“SNL” Addressed Male Loneliness and Social Media — With a Twist

Feautring a memorable role for Maya Rudolph

"SNL" Instagram sketch
A dinner out went to a strange place on a new "SNL."

The phenomenon of male loneliness has been described as an epidemic in recent years — and the depression that can come with it makes it an unlikely candidate as a subject for comedy. Still, SNL has delved into the subject on occasion, including a memorable sketch about a dog park for socially awkward guys. On this weekend’s episode, the show returned to the well for a very different treatment of the issue.

The sketch came via Please Don’t Destroy, with the trio playing versions of themselves out to dinner with their significant others. (There’s also a callback to their 2022 sketch “Chelsea,” which is a nice touch.) Conversation turns to what’s on everyone’s Instagram Explore page, and it seems like the sketch is about to build to a punchline about social media algorithms.

That’s when guest host Maya Rudolph turns up as Uneesa Confidence, who describes herself as “an online girlfriend for young men with self-esteem issues.” The role is one of several memorable eccentrics Rudolph played over the course of the episode, including a British caveman and a combative actress drinking coffee for the first time.

“SNL” Confronts the Biggest Mental Health Issue Facing Men
This weekend’s best sketch lampooned and lamented the lack of middle-aged male friendships

This sketch features a larger amount of the SNL cast than usual, and goes to some truly bizarre places before reaching its denoument. In addition, the choreography of being alarmed by a nonexistent bird is done very well, adding some nice physical comedy into the mix. Is it the show’s definitive sketch on male loneliness? Probably not — but it is a memorably weird take on the subject.

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