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Brits issued warning over ‘six drink rule’ in Spanish islands as part of tourist crackdown

Brits issued warning over ‘six drink rule’ in Spanish islands as part of tourist crackdown

Tourists visiting these Spanish destinations also face restrictions about when the drinks can be served

Sure, you’re going on holiday for some ‘R&R’, for a chill in the sun and to finally get through that book your aunty bought you. Not for anything else.

Look, maybe that is true, but for many Brits a holiday also comes with days drinking cocktails by the pool or spending the nights at a local bar getting boozy with no fear of work the next day.

A popular destination for those getaways sipping in the sun is of course Spain’s Balearic Islands, you know, the likes of Mallorca and Ibiza, obviously.

But, threatening to tipple your big drinking plans, Brits are being issued a warning over a ‘six drink rule’ in the Spanish Islands as part of a crackdown on tourists - which has seen multiple new rules brought in around alcohol.

There's a change to booze rules. (Getty stock photo)
There's a change to booze rules. (Getty stock photo)

When you head out on holiday this year, it’s likely you’ll have opted for an all-inclusive package for ease – plus the unlimited drinks of course.

Except that will now look slightly different thanks to the rule established last year, limiting how many alcoholic drinks an all-inclusive holidaygoer gets.

What is the ‘six drink rule’?

Travel agent Thomas Cook issued a warning to its customers, updating them on package holidays.

The email explained: "Please be advised that a decree has been issued by the Balearic Government on a new restriction for All Inclusive meal option.

"There is a maximum of six alcoholic drinks per person per day that can be served and these drinks will be provided only during lunch and dinner (3 each)."




So, yes, three drinks with lunch and three with tea. You can have more, but you have to pay for them on top of your package.

The rule was brought in following a rise in rowdy behaviour from tourists reportedly fuelled by those all-inclusive drinks.

It might be worth checking what you've booked. (Getty stock photo)
It might be worth checking what you've booked. (Getty stock photo)

Where is the rule in place?

Don’t panic yet, it’s not every resort. The six-drink rule is a thing only in the Balearic Islands.

And of those islands, only two have the six-drink rule in place - they just so happen to be the most popular with tourists.

On those, four areas enforce the rule, which will be in place until at least 2028:

  • Playa de Palma, Majorca
  • El Arenal, Majorca
  • Magaluf, Majorca
  • West End of San Antonio, Ibiza

So, yeah, the areas most popular for party holidays, basically.

Make sure you’re up to date with the latest rules for wherever you’re heading out to on holiday this year.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Travel, Holiday, Food And Drink