Fort Worth

Fort Worth's Crystal Mason speaks at Dallas luncheon amid legal battle

NBC Universal, Inc.

The Dallas Democratic Forum hosted a luncheon Wednesday afternoon, which featured Crystal Mason and her lawyers, Alison Grinter Allen and Justin Moore.

In 2016, Crystal Mason of Fort Worth cast a provisional ballot; however, it was deemed illegal. Those on probation for a previous felony conviction are ineligible to vote.

Throughout the years, Crystal Mason has insisted she was unaware she could not cast her ballot.

“I really thought I was eligible to vote,” Mason told those at the luncheon.

While a Texas appeals court overturned her five-year conviction earlier this year, Tarrant County DA Phil Sorrells wants that decision reviewed. Sorrells addressed questions about his motives during last week’s Tarrant County Commissioner’s Court meeting.

“This is not a fact question. We are not here to talk about facts,” Sorrells said. “This is about a legal question. It’s a matter of legal principle (and) efficiency of the evidence.”

Still, Mason voiced concerns over Sorrell’s true intention.

“The words that he used (at the meeting) could be very misleading on the reason why he wants to prosecute this case,” Mason said.

Sorrell told the commissioner’s court it was in the name of voter security.

“I want legal voters to know that we’re working to make sure your vote is not going to be diluted by any illegal votes,” Mason said.

While Mason and her team wait on a timeline for whether the criminal court of appeals will re-examine her case, she said she is focused on registering voters.

“If we get out there and vote, we can make a difference,” Mason said.

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