Samsung Takes A Dig At Apple’s Latest M4 iPad Pro Models In Its Latest Ad; Caption States ‘We Would Never Crush Creativity’

Omar Sohail
Samsung's latest ad mocks Apple's M4 iPad Pro

Apple received a ton of flak for its M4 iPad Pro ad, after which the company had to apologize and assured that it would not use this marketing material on television. Naturally, with the controversy surrounding the video, it caught Samsung’s attention, and the Korean giant wasted no time trying to put its biggest rival in the smartphone space in a bad light with its own ad posted on X with the caption that reads, ‘We would never crush creativity. #UnCrush.’

Samsung attempts to one-up its Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra in the latest ad, but it is not really a competitor to the M4 iPad Pro

To recap, Apple’s M4 iPad Pro ad displayed various musical instruments and artistic-related paraphernalia getting crushed under the weight and pressure of a massive hydraulic press. When the hydraulic press lifts itself, viewers can see the iPad Pro, hinting that it is the ultimate tablet for creators and artists, but the ad rubbed individuals the wrong way, allowing Samsung to mock Apple with its own ad.

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A new clip shows a musician walking around the same area where that massive hydraulic press created havoc earlier, picking up a partially destroyed acoustic guitar. She then takes a seat, with a Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra placed right in front, showing her which musical notes to play. Right at the end of the ad, Samsung says, ‘Creativity cannot be crushed,’ signaling a direct jab at Apple.

While some might find Samsung’s efforts distasteful, others may find that the company was spot on in its direction. The timing of the ad is unsurprising, given that Apple’s 11-inch and 13-inch M4 iPad Pro models are available for customers to purchase, but Samsung likely has hope that some might be encouraged to pick up a Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra, despite the latter being significantly slower than the M4 models.

Unfortunately, Samsung is not reported to introduce a Galaxy Tab S10 Ultra this year, so there is no direct competitor to Apple’s M4 iPad Pro in the premium Android tablet market. Hopefully, we will get to see something noteworthy next year.

News Source: Samsung

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