Salaries at Austin City Hall average $83K

By KXAN News

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There's one person on Austin's payroll that has a bigger base salary than the new city manager.

The average full-time city employee in Austin earns $82,727 annually, while the average part-time employee earns $31,439.93. The figures only include base salaries, so overtime pay is not taken into account.

The city has 15,164 full-time employees and 2,771 part-time employees. Almost 3,900 city employees earn more than $100,000 annually, while 30 have a base salary of at least $250,000. 

Five of the city’s top earners work for Austin Energy, including General Manager Robert Kahn, who is the highest-paid employee in the city with a base salary of just over $475,000. That's slightly more than the base pay for Austin's new city manager, T.C. Broadnax.

Our partners at KXAN News have a detailed breakdown of the top earners at Austin City Hall.

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