
fidesz / English

Stories published on Apr 23
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  • Stories published on Apr 23

Tuesday, Apr 23


Hungarian government targets former Fidesz ally in elections campaign


Following his divorce with Fidesz' former justice minister, Péter Magyar emerged as a key opposition figure of Viktor Orban's government.

Tuesday, Apr 18


Orban Watch Briefing: Fidesz sounds the alarm on so-called “American interference”


Orban Watch Briefing: Fidesz sounds the alarm on so-called “American interference”

Thursday, Oct 20


Fidesz MEP condemns 'profiteering' from Bratislava slaying


Hungary's ruling Fidesz firmly condemns the recent murders in Bratislava, Balazs Hidveghi, an MEP of the party, said on Thursday, and expressed sympathy with the families of the two victims shot dead in front of a gay bar. "Any violence…

Wednesday, Oct 12


Fidesz protests 'witch hunt against Hungary' in CoE


"The international Left is again attacking Hungary on the basis of false claims," ruling Fidesz told MTI on Wednesday. Zsolt Nemeth, head of the Hungarian delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and delegation…

Friday, Sep 16


Fidesz MEPs: Hungary, Poland stigmatised due to 'left-wing ideological campaigns'


Hungary and Poland have once again become EU member states stigmatised on the back of left-wing ideological campaigns, MEPs Balazs Hidveghi and Kinga Gal of Hungary's ruling Fidesz party said late on Thursday. The two European lawmakers…

Thursday, Sep 15

Fidesz blasts EP for waging 'continued attacks against Hungary'


Hungary's ruling Fidesz party blasted the European Parliament for "still busily attacking Hungary even amid the current crisis", after the EP voted to approve the Hungary rule-of-law report on Thursday. Fidesz said in a statement: "The…

Wednesday, Sep 14


Fidesz MEP: New EC proposals no solution to crisis


The measures of the European Commission in response to the Russia-Ukraine war have backfired, weakened the European economy and caused "rampant" inflation, MEP Tamas Deutsch of ruling Fidesz told the plenary session of the European…

Friday, Jul 29


Fidesz MEP: Verhofstadt letter on Hungary 'anti-Hungarian, racist'


Liberal MEP Guy Verhofstadt's letter to Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, contains "grossly slanderous and hot-tempered attacks against Hungary, and is in essence anti-Hungarian and racist," Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch…

Thursday, Jul 7

Fidesz: Tying recovery funds to global minimum tax 'unlawful'

It is "incorrect and unlawful" by Brussels to tie the transfer of recovery funds due to Hungary to the approval of the global minimum tax, the head of parliament's economic committee said on Thursday. Erik Banki said that the Brussels…

Wednesday, Jul 6


Fidesz MEPs welcome EP decision to uphold limited qualification of gas, nuclear energy as sustainable

MEPs of Hungary's ruling Fidesz welcomed the European Parliament' decision to uphold the European Commission's amendment to its taxonomy regulation, ensuring that certain uses of natural gas and nuclear energy could be qualified as…

Fidesz MEP: Member states need all available funds in current situation

European Union member states, including Hungary and Poland, are in need of all the funds available "in the current challenging situation", Fidesz MEP Balazs Hidveghi said in Strasbourg on Wednesday. "We ask the [EU's] Czech presidency to…

Tuesday, Jun 14


Fidesz proposes cutting state funding for parlt groups


The ruling Fidesz and Christian Democrat parties are submitting a bill on cutting state funding by 3 billion forints (EUR 7.5m) for opposition parliamentary party groups and by 2 billion forints for their own groups during the current…


Fidesz to propose holding EP, municipal elections on same day


A proposal on holding the European parliamentary and municipal elections in Hungary on the same day will be submitted to lawmakers next Tuesday, Mate Kocsis, ruling Fidesz's group leader, has said. Holding the two elections in 2024 on the…

Monday, Jun 13


Fidesz: Global minimum tax for corporations would harm competitiveness


Competitiveness would suffer if the European Union adopted a directive on a global minimum tax for large corporations, the head of the Hungaian parliament's economic committee said on Monday. The committee will submit a proposal calling on…

Friday, Jun 3


Fidesz MEPs: Green transition should be paid by large polluters, not citizens

The MEPs of Hungary's ruling Fidesz party are committed to green transition but reject the climate tax proposed by the European Commission, because the transition should be paid by large polluters rather than Hungarian and European…

Monday, May 23


Budapest Fidesz-KDNP elects Wintermantel group leader


The ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat party alliance's group in the capital's municipal assembly has elected Zsolt Wintermantel their leader. Wintermantel is to replace Zsolt Lang, who has won a seat in parliament.

Thursday, May 5


Fidesz MEP: Call to step up action against Hungary, Poland 'shameful attack'

The European parliamentary group of ruling Fidesz on Thursday rejected "shameful attacks on Hungary and Poland" after the EP passed a resolution calling on the European Commission and Council to step up action against Hungary and Poland…

Thursday, Apr 28


Fidesz MPs renominate Laszlo Kover as speaker


The 117-member parliamentary group of ruling Fidesz, founded formally on Thursday, unanimously renominated Laszlo Kover as parliamentary speaker. Kover been speaker since 2010, and he looks forward to his fourth term in the post. Csaba…

Wednesday, Apr 27


Fidesz lead over opposition widens after election


The ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat parties would win 56 percent of the votes, while the united opposition would garner 34 percent if the elections were held this Sunday, the daily Magyar Nemzet said citing a recent poll by the Nezopont…

Thursday, Apr 7


Fidesz MEPs to vote against embargo on Russian oil, gas imports

MEPs of Hungary's ruling Fidesz were set to vote against a proposal for an embargo on oil, gas and nuclear fuel imports from Russia. Fidesz MEP Kinga Gal said on Thursday that such a measure would "kill the Hungarian economy" and would…