—————————————————— Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Comfort Food | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2023

Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Comfort Food

Want comfort food? Barbecue Inn is it.
Want comfort food? Barbecue Inn is it. Photo by Jeff Balke
Best Comfort Food - Barbecue Inn

Just like the sign says, this family-run establishment has been serving up some of Houston's best comfort food since 1946. Yes, they have delicious barbecue on the menu, but what has kept many coming back to the little spot just north of Independence Heights are the down home southern staples like fried shrimp, chicken fried steak and some of the best fried chicken in the city. If you are old enough to remember baked potatoes that came to the table with Lazy Susans of toppings, you'll be transported back to when that was the norm. They have been doing things the same way here for decades and for good reason.

116 W. Crosstimbers
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