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Exploring Brain Function and Adaptation in Space: China's Innovative EEG Research Aboard Tiangong
The exploration of brain-computer interaction technologies, a frontier in science and technology, holds promise for revolutionizing operations in space, facilitating complex tasks, and advancing human-machine cooperation. As this research unfolds, it heralds a new era of space exploration, where understanding and enhancing human brain function plays a pivotal role.
Exploring Brain Function and Adaptation in Space: China's Innovative EEG Research Aboard Tiangong
by Simon Mansfield
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Mar 13, 2024

In the unique microgravity environment of space, Chinese scientists are embarking on an ambitious journey aboard the Tiangong space station, about 400 km above Earth, to uncover how the human brain functions and adapts. This quest is central to China's manned space endeavors as the station transitions into a hub for scientific exploration.

At the heart of this exploration is the in-orbit electroencephalogram (EEG) test, spearheaded by Wang Bo and his team at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center. They have successfully established a cutting-edge EEG test platform on the station, celebrated for its safety, portability, and ease of use, marking a significant leap in space-based brain research.

From the onset of the Shenzhou-11 mission, pioneering efforts in brain-computer interaction through brain-controlled robotics have laid the groundwork for this project. Subsequent missions have seen a flurry of EEG tests, the development of research paradigms, and the establishment of model tests, all aiming to dissect the brain's intricate response to space conditions.

Wang outlines three primary research goals: understanding the space environment's impact on the brain, the brain's adaptation mechanisms in space, and the development or validation of brain enhancement techniques. These efforts could pave the way for groundbreaking insights into brain evolution in the cosmos and foster the development of brain-like intelligence technologies.

Already, the research team has achieved notable advancements, including the creation of a multifaceted brain load classification model that enhances accuracy by integrating diverse data sets. These insights into brain fatigue, load, and alertness are vital for supporting astronauts during prolonged space missions, ensuring their cognitive functions remain sharp for complex tasks.

Wang emphasizes the critical role of maintaining optimal brain health in space, where astronauts face demanding challenges. Through novel brain stimulation techniques and other technologies, the team aims to amplify human capabilities in space, ensuring astronauts can perform at their best.

Cao Yong, another key researcher, details their methodical approach to assessing astronauts' brain load through baseline data collection and subsequent task performance analysis. This meticulous research is crucial for developing strategies to bolster brain function in astronauts, enhancing their efficiency in space.

The exploration of brain-computer interaction technologies, a frontier in science and technology, holds promise for revolutionizing operations in space, facilitating complex tasks, and advancing human-machine cooperation. As this research unfolds, it heralds a new era of space exploration, where understanding and enhancing human brain function plays a pivotal role.

Based on a Xinhua News Agency article

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China Manned Space Agency
Space Medicine Technology and Systems

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