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Exclusive First Look: Ares Reveals Image of Jared Leto in Suit!

TRON: Ares, the third installment of the famous science fiction saga, is currently being filmed with Jared Leto in the lead role. Leto, known for his roles in various movies like Suicide Squad, Blade Runner 2049, and Morbius, is gearing up to portray the new protagonist in the TRON franchise in the upcoming film.

A recent video from the set provides a glimpse of Leto in his distinctive suit, albeit without the red lighting effects that will be added during post-production. You can watch the video to see for yourself.

TRON: Ares introduces us to Ares, a highly advanced program sent from the digital world to the real world on a perilous mission, marking humanity’s first encounter with Artificial Intelligence beings. This installment will delve into a different storyline compared to the previous movies where a human ventured into the digital world.

Director Joachim Rønning expressed his excitement about being a part of the TRON franchise and bringing a new film to fans worldwide. The movie aims to build on the legacy of cutting-edge design, technology, and storytelling, promising an engaging experience for viewers.

With a star-studded cast including Jared Leto, Gillian Anderson, Evan Peters, and others, TRON: Ares is set to premiere on October 10, 2025, creating high anticipation among fans. While the release date is still a while away, fans can revisit the previous films on Disney Plus in the meantime.

Stay tuned for more updates on this highly anticipated movie, and don’t forget to share your thoughts on the upcoming TRON: Ares film in the comments section below.

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