Bill Maher Accuses Most Activists Of Being Narcissists On ‘Real Time’

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Last night on HBO‘s Real Time with Bill Maher, the host accused most protestors and activists of being misguided narcissists, centering his critique on pro-Palestinian social justice warriors.

Maher opened his “New Rules” segment, which you can watch above, with a message to protesters blocking traffic in the name of a cause: “No one likes you.”

He then made his overall point, which is that protestors need to realize that they are not winning anyone over by making them “late to pick up their kids from daycare.”

“You can glue your hands to the street, since your hands don’t have to do any work today,” Maher said, adding his opinion that for many social justice warriors, “It’s more about the warrioring than the causes.”

Speaking directly on the Gaza conflict, Maher suggested that those who actually care about injustice should start with fighting for women who are forced to wear a burka in many countries. He also mentioned those who are food-deprived in North Korea, China placing people in concentration camps, and the Burundi jihad against gays.

“Are you really speaking truth to power, or do you think you look cool in a keffiyeh?”

He also quipped that defacing art in the name of a cause is “just stupid,” declaring that “no one sees mashed potatoes on a Monet and thinks ‘he’s got a point I should recycle my cans!'”

Maher concluded his rant by saying that activists should ask themselves whether the most important thing in their lives is “something I hadn’t heard about six months ago.”

You can watch the clip above and catch new episodes of Real Time with Bill Maher on Fridays at 10 p.m. ET on HBO or streaming on Max.