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    Khloé Kardashian Responded To A Fan Who Made Fun Of The "Big" Beauty Mark On Her Face

    "Beautiful baby you are oh so very wrong."

    Hello, welcome to your weekly Kardashian Komeback.

    Kim Kardashian, wearing a black outfit, speaks during an event, with a partial view of a man's profile in the foreground

    Last week, we saw Kourtney Kardashian Barker check fans for negatively commenting on her post-baby body.

    Close-up of Kourtney Kardashian in a white shirt with an updo hairstyle

    Now, Khloé Kardashian is speaking out against fans who criticized her newest Instagram post.

    Closeup of Khloe Kardashian

    The drama started last night when Khloé shared a video promoting an at-home skincare product.

    Closeup of Khloe Kardashian

    Instead of commenting on the tutorial or simply scrolling away if it wasn't interesting, someone left this rude comment:

    A screenshot of a social media comment criticizing someone's appearance, specifically mentioning a mole

    Khloé was quick to hit back, writing, "Ha! Your judgment won't do you any favors in life! I love my beauty mark. You don't have to. Enjoy your face and I'll enjoy mine."

    Khloe Kardashian responds positively to a user's comment about her beauty mark on social media

    She also responded when someone said the "first and last time she used this device was on this video."

    Comment on social media with laughing emoji, user reacts to someone's rare device use, 348 likes

    "I'll never understand how people take the time to post anything that's not nice on someone else's page. I could never imagine myself doing that," Khloé wrote. "Anyways, you're entitled to your own opinion, but beautiful baby you are oh so very wrong. I know I know.... You will believe what serves your narrative. Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful weekend."

    Khloe Kardashian responds to a comment on social media, defending her perspective and wishing the commenter a good weekend

    We'll see what the sisters respond to next.

    'Til next time!