DNC Statement on Trump’s Extreme Florida Abortion Ban Going into Effect

In response to the Florida abortion ban taking effect today, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement: 

“Today, because of Donald Trump and his fellow MAGA extremists, millions of women across Florida are suffering under an extreme abortion ban and losing access to basic reproductive health care. Donald Trump owns every abortion ban in the nation after he ‘proudly’ paved the way for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, and now he’s claiming that extreme bans like Florida’s are ‘working the way [they are] supposed to.’ We know that if reelected, Trump would take his dangerous anti-freedom agenda even further by banning abortion nationwide — with or without the help of Congress. Our freedoms are on the line in this election and voters know that President Joe Biden is the only choice in this election who will fight to protect their freedoms, not strip them away.”