Police troll BMW driver with '2-0' scoreline after insult scribbled in window

The blue BMW pulled over by police
The blue BMW pulled over by police -Credit:CMPG

Police trolled a BMW driver by inscribing a 2-0 scoreline into the dirt on his window after being pulled over. Central Motorway Police Group (CMPG) stopped the driver in Staffordshire after he had been disqualified.

The police account said it followed an incident involving the blue BMW last week. CMPG claimed the driver had made an insult to police, using the offensive term 'pigs'.

However officers said they 'corrected the score' and added to the insult by writing '2-0' on one of the windows. The driver was pulled over in the Longton area of Stoke with the help of police dogs.

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CMPG wrote on X/Twitter: "You may remember this vehicle from last week! Well the driver has since been disqualified and was located in #longton by @staffsdogs #S3ARV. We assisted with ID & Driver now in Custody. We added to his little insult, correcting the score... 2-0 to us then! C-unit Doxey."