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    We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    33 Products That'll Help You Get The Best Sleep Of Your Life

    If you're having trouble sleeping, this little light up "breathing partner" is about to be your new BFF.

    1. A pair of chic wireless headband sleep headphones so you can keep your ears comfortable listening to music, white noise, or calming affirmations as you drift off. 

    reviewer wearing grey headband earphones over their head
    reviewer wearing pastel pink version

    Promising review: "I purchased this product to be able to listen to affirmations as I fall asleep. It has been great for that, and has also been very beneficial on long airplane flights when my ears hurt from the AirPods being in for so long. Also a great option when you are sleeping in a room with someone who snores! My kids keep stealing this from me so I purchased two more to get them for Christmas!" —Dawn Cooperider

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (clip the 20% off coupon on the product page for this price; available in nine colors).

    2. No Worries: A Guided Journal, a popular self-guided journal designed to help with managing anxiety, stress, and the general "adkfjgaldkjfgalkj" in your brain so you can rest a bit easier at night. Each day has a similar set of prompts for 12 undated weeks to help you reflect on your thought patterns and sources of anxiety, and gradually find self-care practices and management strategies that suit you best. 

    Promising review: "I’ve never been a journal or diary person, but needed an outlet for my anxiety and stress. Each day has the same two-page spread that prompts you to think about your day, how you felt, and why you felt that way. There isn’t really any inspiration or advice, just open lines for your thoughts without it being an intimidating blank page. This journal has already helped me see patterns in my thoughts/emotions and I feel better overall. I would recommend this journal to anyone." —Kari Madsen

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95

    3. A guided visual "breathing partner" you can use for meditation and calm to get yourself in a better mindset for sleep. This is designed to guide you through either the popular 4/7/8 or 5/5 "calming breaths" to help reduce stress and anxiety, using colors that fade in and out softly as cues. Bonus: it's kid-friendly! 

    A small white figurine with closed eyes changing lit up colors from blue to green
    The figurine glowing green

    Mindset is a small business that specializes in calming personal care and decor products. 

    Promising review: "Who doesn’t need less stress and more sleep these days! Here's your breathing meditation partner. Very useful at your desk and bed stand. So easy to charge and use, not to mention that he’s really cute!" —Cece

    Get it from Amazon for $21.95 (available in two styles). 

    4. A pack of drug-free Breathe Right nasal strips reviewers quite literally claim "saved their marriage" — these provide instant snoring *and* congestion relief by increasing nasal airflow. Bonus: there's an optional "scratch and sniff" lavender scent if you want an extra dose of calm. 

    A box of nasal strip that say
    reviewer wearing strip on their nose

    Promising review: "This product is a true gem. I’m eight months pregnant, and due to the baby pressing on my diaphragm, I’ve begun to snore terribly. My poor husband is a light sleeper, so I needed to figure something out. I started applying this at night, and he says he doesn’t hear a peep out of me! If you have trouble sleeping or snoring, this is something you need." —Raevyn

    Get a box of 26 strips from Amazon for $11.29

    5. A set of delightfully ~~tingly~~ self-heating soothing foot masks made with Epsom salts, lavender, and peppermint perfect for anyone whose recent step count is "too many." Nothing like a lil' self-care on those aching feet to get into relaxation mode before bed! 

    Small pouch with two foot masks in it
    Feet propped up with two metallic foot masks on them
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Check out a TikTok of the foot masks in action. 

    I'm a long-ish distance runner, and these were certainly an interesting experience for my feet! You slide them on and, after a few minutes, feel a tingling, mildly burning (in a good way) sensation. It doesn't quite numb your feet, but it relaxes them. I kept them on for 30 minutes and then toweled my feet off, and the tingling sensation slowly faded over the next 30 minutes. After that my feet felt very refreshed and relaxed at a time of day when they're usually aching from all the miles I put in. The whole thing was a mess-free, easy process, and I will definitely keep them on hand for longer run days! 

    Promising review: "These masks soften my feet right away after only one use. I recommend using them before bed but do not discard them yet. You can use the same pair again the next morning as some products remain in the masks." —Guy Kositrana

    Get a set of three pairs from Amazon for $11.97

    6. A set of review-beloved moisture-wicking double-brushed microfiber sheets with a softness so luxurious that you'll be like, "Cotton whomst??" Reviewers especially love that the "cooling" effect of these is no joke, particularly for people in hot climates or people experiencing night sweats and hot flashes. 

    Reviewer's photo of sheets with dog sleeping on top
    reviewer pic of cat in bed

    Promising review: “LOVE THESE!! I was searching for a sheet set that would help me sleep more comfortably at night and found these. I have terrible hot flashes with night sweats and get up in the morning, just miserable. Of course, these do not eliminate my hot flashes as no sheets will, but they definitely make my nights much more comfortable by eliminating wet bedding, and I definitely appreciate that! Aside from their moisture-wicking abilities, they are very soft, easy to look at, and launder extremely well. I would highly recommend these for anyone shopping for sheet sets and especially for anyone experiencing night sweats!!” —Shannon Warfel

    Get it from Amazon for $34.95+ (available in sizes Twin—California King, with deep pockets, and in 35 styles). 

    7. And a set of wildly popular ~hotel~ pillows that will make you feel like a lil' cherub falling asleep on a breezy cloud. Reviewers are obsessed with how these manage to be soft but firm at the same time, and how they're so breathable and cooling that they're basically a must-have for anyone who overheats at night. 

    Promising review: "These had great reviews, but I was still skeptical. I'm a bit of a pillow snob. These pillows — these amazing, heavenly pillows — are now my favorite part of going to bed. Soft but firm. How does that work? It gives support for me to sleep slightly propped up but I sink into this comfortable personal cloud. Soft but firm. My head isn't sinking through the pillow to rest on my mattress, but I feel comfortably enveloped. Heaven. I bought two but think that would be too much fluff, so now my husband and I each have one. Buy them. Add to cart. Buy now with one click. Stop the research. You've found the pillows you were looking for." —Marissa Urey

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $59.99+ (available in two sizes). 

    8. Plus a satin pillowcase to invest in not only for its cooling effect, but the fact that it's soft on your skin and creates less friction for your hair so that it won't get as tangled while you sleep. Reviewers also swear by these for helping clear up their acne and love how easy these are to wash while still maintaining their quality. 

    Model laying on the pink pillowcase

    Kitsch is an LA-based, self-financed, woman-owned small business established in 2010 that specializes in hair accessories. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Kitsch satin pillowcase in action. 

    Promising review: "I'm really liking this pillow. I woke up today with nice wavy hair, not dry tangled hair. I've been trying to grow out the layer of hair on the top back of my head and it's been so stubborn! Keeps getting tangled and breaks here and there from bleaching and dye damage, but with this new pillow I notice it doesn't tangle, which means it can grow right without rubbing and tangling/pulling! So I'm excited to see what happens by the end of summer! Also the pillow is soft and is so much more prettier in person! 😍😍😍💖💖💖" —Amazon Customer 🌷

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in two sizes and in 11 styles). 

    9. A set of light-dimming stickers you can stick on all the LED lights blasting their glow like tiny UFOs in your room at night. They come in a pack of all different sizes, so you can find the perfect ones to match your gizmos and finally get the restful sleep you deserve every night.

    Hand holding a device with illuminated blue LEDs, possibly indicating power level or charge status
    Hand holding a portable LED display device with blue illuminated numbers

    Promising review: "Who knew such a simple little thing would actually help you sleep better? Works just as advertised. No more annoying lights to keep me up at night!" —Margo A. Castorena

    Get a set from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in 80% light blockage, 100% light blockage, and multipacks).

    10. A set of wax earplugs that mold to the shape of your inner ear like putty, fully blocking out noises like snoring, car honking, or the night owl in your home queueing up The Office who forgot, yet again, to turn the sound down before the theme started playing on full blast 🫠. 

    Buzzfeed editor with silicone ear plugs in ear
    the silicone ear plugs resting in an editor's hands
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    You can check out my review of Macks Earplugs for more deets: "The moldable silicone of Mack's Earplugs contours easily to the shape of your ear to block out noise much more effectively than other foam or plastic varieties, and the noise reduction is so good that if I pair them with a white noise machine (or just like a white noise loop on Spotify) I genuinely don't hear noises from outside my room. Not only that, but once they're in place, they stay locked there until you decide to pull them out. I've also *loved* these for traveling — if you put these babies in on a plane not only does it help reduce some of the YIKES factor when the plane takes off (it's loud!!), but it cancels out the murmuring noises of passengers on the flight and makes it easier to get some shuteye."

    Promising review: "I had to travel for work and stayed in hotels. Noise always was a problem. These were the best solution to lessen noise because they mold to your ear better than foam ear plugs."Bizeec

    Get 12 pairs from Amazon for $10.98

    11. And a set of reviewer-beloved "Loops," a meticulously designed ear plug that effectively blocks out distracting, irritating, or overwhelming noise without completely blocking out the world around you (a boon for parents who want to keep an ear out!). 

    A set of small pink earplugs with loops on them
    black earplugs subtly inserted in a model's ear

    Each set comes with a carrying case and several sizes of silicone tips to get your perfect fit! 

    I recently used these at Taylor Swift's Eras tour, and could not swear by them more. I had what I fondly describe as the literal worst seats in the stadium (behind the stage in the 300s, help, lol) and not only did these block the WALLS of noise from my beloved fellow Swifties, it funneled Taylor's audio so I could hear the music more clearly. The few times I pulled them out I couldn't hear her as well, and the noise was quite overwhelming. It made the concert a calmer, more enjoyable experience. 

    Promising review: "Got these to use at night while sleeping, and I would definitely recommend and rebuy. The noise cancellation is just enough where I can sleep comfortably. My concern before buying was that they would block out too much noise, and for safety reasons, I wanted to still be able to hear any alarms or alarming noises. That doesn’t seem to be the case. I can still hear the important stuff, but am able to sleep because the snoring that I usually hear is majorly cut back."PB Mom 

    Check out the Loop Store on Amazon for more options based on your sound blocking needs! 

    Get it from Amazon for $24.95 (available in eight colors). 

    12. A contoured sleep mask designed to alleviate pressure from your eyes and plunge you into total delicious darkness all night long, while staying put on your head without any Velcro snagging in your hair in the middle of the night.

    BuzzFeed editor wearing black eye mask
    Inside of mask showing contoured part around the eyeball
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    I personally swear by this eye mask! I live in a super bright area and closing the window curtains makes me irrationally sad, so I use these to get to sleep and it's like lights out on the universe. These are also REALLY great for days when your work schedule is wonky or you need to take a day nap, since it not only blocks out all the light, but the contouring means it won't smudge your mascara if you're wearing any. It's also super comfy and never snags in my hair, even when it's not in a ponytail. 

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (available in seven colors).

    13. Or a Nodpod, a strap-free weighted sleep mask designed for back *and* side sleepers with a gentle pressure to encourage stress relief and deep sleep.

    side sleeper wearing pink weighted nodpod
    back sleeper wearing black version

    Nodpod is a small business specializing in sleep products. 

    Psst — you can also put it in the freezer, and the microbeads in the mask will stay cool for hours.

    Promising review: "There's something about placing this weighted thing on my eyes when I'm tossing and turning that lulls me back to sleep. The shape of it is a bit weird — it's not a typical eye mask, it's much bulkier and doesn't fasten on in the same way — but once you get beyond that, this can really be a beautiful thing. I keep it on my bedside table and use it if I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep (which happens often) or once the sun rises and I want to sleep in a little more. If you have sleep issues I'd recommend trying this novel product." —Veronicam

    Get it from Amazon for $34 (available in six colors). 

    14. migraine relief beanie for when your brain decides it's going to rattle against your skull at the least convenient time possible. (AKA, RIGHT BEFORE BED!!) This gets icy *and* hot depending on what kind of relief you're looking for, and doubles as a sleep mask so you can block out harsh light or try to get some shut-eye for further relief. 

    Model wearing blue beanie and smiling

    IceBeanie is a small business that specializes in cold therapy products. 

    Promising review: "I don’t usually write reviews but this thing is literally a game changer. Amazing quality, so comfortable to wear, and it really helps me to relax and also when I have a headache. This is top shelf. I am so happy with my purchase!" —Bonnie Boughton

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in two colors). 

    15. A caffeine-free herbal Sweet Dreams tea designed to promote better sleep with a mixture of chamomile rose blossoms and mint herbs, which have calming as heck properties.

    A cup of brewed tea with a Sweet Dreams herbal tea bag in it

    Promising review: "I have been having trouble sleeping A LOT lately, I'm very sensitive to sounds/light to where I wake up frustrated and ready to get out of bed to just get the day done. Now let me tell you that the first night, within seconds of sipping my tea, I yawn nonstop and am ready for bed. Knocked out and didn't wake up/toss or turn the entire night, woke up feeling so much better. Actually woke up smiling, too!" —Isa

    Get a 28-count pack from Amazon for $8.23.

    16. A magnesium oil spray reviewers swear by to potentially help a whole host of issues that may be affecting your sleep, from chronic aches and pains to charley horses to restless leg syndrome. Reviewers also swear by it for plain old insomnia! 

    This may not work for everyone, but some clinical studies (collected here by the National Sleep Foundation) find associations between magnesium use and relief from insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and muscle cramps. It can also be ingested, but some people may prefer the spray over taking capsules. 

    Promising review: "I used the spray and I slept so good!! I haven't been able to sleep and I was willing to try anything! This is so worth it. I used to wake up feeling so sore due to an autoimmune disease and this did the trick! Worth it!!" —Dana Force 

    Get it from Amazon for $8.49+ (available in three sizes). 

    17. An affordable sunrise alarm clock so you can trick your human brain into thinking you're already dappled in the light of a bright, sunshiny day when you wake up, even if the the sun hasn't quite caught up to your morning routine.

    The circular alarm clock with the time stamp on it
    The clock lit up with a warm yellow glow

    This can be programmed with seven different light settings, seven different calming "wake up" noises, and to start gradually lighting up at 30, 20, or 10 minutes before you wake. 

    Promising review: "I got this recommendation from TikTok, and it really has helped, especially with Oregon winters where the sun is not out by the time the alarm rings. It has several peaceful alarm settings and even has night music to put you to sleep. The sunrise with the alarm piano is what I play to wake me up every morning and it is a way better way than to wake up to an annoying phone alarm." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $38.99 (available in three styles). 

    18. Or a gorgeously designed Hatch Restore 2 — this sunrise alarm and sound machine works overtime as a touch-controlled smart light, bedtime reading light, and even a wind-down light that helps you get into a healthier sleep routine at night, which is especially important to maintain when it's dark out for so long. Other bedside lamps could truly never.

    An alarm clock glowing soft red light with a fabric-covered digital display showing the time
    The alarm clock next to a phone showing an app where you can control the color of the light on the clock

    Hatch Restore lets you personalize a "bedtime routine" for each night to train your brain to recognize sleep cues and get a better night's rest. Options include changing the light settings to more amber tones to help produce melatonin for sleep, soothing noise options, and sleep meditations and sleep stories you can get in the Hatch app.

    Promising review: "The Hatch Restore 2 is truly a game changer for those looking to improve their night’s sleep and wake-up routine. It’s been the best bedside companion and has improved my overall health and well-being. The combination of sounds, lights, buttons, and aesthetics really all come to play to make this feel like a truly premium device. There are touch adjustments to adjust the volume and brightness of the clock, which work really well. My favorite feature is the physical buttons which you can press to start or stop the routines; it feels very intentional when I get ready for bed and really gets me in the right mindset to begin my bedtime routine." —Natasha Advani

    Get it from Amazon for $199.99 (available in three styles). 

    19. A dual-zone comforter to quite possibly save y'all's relationship, particularly if you can never agree on where the thermostat should be. One side of this comforter runs cool, and the other one runs hot, so you can sleep under whichever side you prefer without waking up when one of you hogs or throws off the covers in the middle of the night.

    The duvet showing one half is warm and the other is cool

    Promising review: "This comforter is what we’ve always needed. My husband and I are always tangled in blankets because I need more but yet they always end up on his side. This comforter provides an all-in-one solution that keeps me warm and him cool and our bedroom looking calm and zen." —Hannah

    Get it from Amazon for $134.99+ (available in four colors and three sizes).

    20. An insulated soundproofing strip that easily sticks to the outer rims of your door, giving you some peace and quiet at bedtime and making it *much* less likely that you'll hear people rooting around the Cheez-Its box in the kitchen in the middle of the night.

    A reviewer's door with the strip already installed on the edges
    A close up of what the strips look like in the middle that shows the foam part

    Psst — this insulated strip also stops air conditioning and heat from escaping out of the crack under the door, saving energy and money!

    Promising review: "Lifesaver. I have roommates who always watch TV loudly until midnight, so I purchased this to seal the gap in my door. It really reduced 90% of the noise from the living room!!! I can finally have a nice sleep!!!" —wen yan

    Get it from Amazon for $7.97 (available in two colors).

    21. A plush memory foam mattress topper to quickly transform any old spring mattress into an oasis — this helps distribute your weight on your mattress more evenly to reduce pressure on your joints, so you're less likely to toss and turn.

    blue two-inch memory foam topper on a mattress
    Model pressing their hand into the memory foam and leaving an impression

    Promising review: "This thing has changed my sleep for the better. My mattress has always been kind of uncomfortable with painful springs, but I just put up with it. Since switching to working nights and sleeping during the day, I wake up more easily and needed something to help me fall asleep and stay asleep. This topper is so nice! It doesn’t feel cool to the touch, I just don’t overheat while I sleep. It’s so soft I can fall asleep without a pillow. I love it!" —Avery Basford

    Get it from Amazon for $57.69+ (available in two or three inch depth and in eight standard bed sizes).

    22. Or a pillow-top mattress pad so you can pretend you're sleeping on Mount Olympus. (What up, Zeus??) Not only is this down alternative fill fluffy and soft as heck, but it's wick-away and ventilated to help keep you cool while you snooze. 

    A reviewer's photo which shows the loft of the mattress topper
    A reviewer showing how squishy the mattress topper is by pressing down on it

    Promising review: "Whoaaa this thing is amazing. I have a very expensive, firm mattress that I bought when I was younger. I got this, put this over the foam mat, and it’s like a new mattress. I slept like a rock last night. Haven’t slept that well in a long time. I also like that it’s attached to the mattress pad, so it’s not sliding all over. It slept very cool, I’m assuming that’s because is cotton. Highly recommend if you’re looking to fix a mattress and not have to spend money on a new one." —Julie

    Get it from Amazon for $59.92+ (clip the 20% off coupon on the product page for this price; available in sizes Twin–California king).

    23. A high-end sound machine that never ever ever loops, bless its technological heart, and has soundscapes so satisfyingly realistic that Dream You will be like, "Um, am I the main character swimming under this rushing waterfall/burrowed by this crackling fireplace/frolicking through this lush meadow?" Bonus — it's also adaptive and changes its volume and mix based on what it hears in your environment. 

    The sound machine in black

    Adaptive Sound Technologies is a small business established in 2009 specializing in sound technology for personal care. 

    Psst — it's compatible with speakers *and* headphones, so if you're sharing the room you don't have to subject your partner to it.

    Promising review: "I have suffered from insomnia all my life, and have found if I fall asleep listening to something I sleep better. I tried falling asleep to the TV, but invariably around 3 a.m., I would wake up listening to infomercials. Then, while traveling, my husband and I stayed in a very nice hotel that had this product in our room. I tried it, and slept like a baby the whole time we were there! I knew I had to have one at home, and ordered this as soon as we got home. I love that it has so many different sounds to choose from, as well as volume adjustment. You can leave it on all night or set the timer to shut off. This is a fantastic product, and while not inexpensive, in my opinion, well worth the money." —Tamstrat

    Get it from Amazon for $88.23+ (available in three styles).

    24. A bottle of Dr Teal's soothing foaming bath with Epsom salt to help relieve aching muscles, and give you something decadent to look forward to all day (aside from watching your frozen pizza go round in the microwave, that is).

    Promising review: "I needed something to help me relax that was not a nap and this did it for me! I used this in an evening bath. Not only did it help me relax, it also helped me fall asleep so good that night. I tend to stay awake in bed (usually on my phone) most nights, but after this bath I fell asleep right away. It didn't bubble a whole lot for me, but it smelled amazing and made my skin the softest it's been in a long time! It's a good sized bottle with a sufficient amount of baths per bottle. Overall, I loved it. I don't take baths too often, but this has inspired me to do this more! 10/10 would buy again." —Priscilla Perez

    Get it from Amazon for $6.79.

    25. A handy dandy amber reading light that's 99.94% free of blue spectrum light — aka, the light that signals to your brain that it's daytime and keeps you up and attem. Now you can read your book at night without disrupting your unsuspecting circadian rhythms. 

    a clip on amber light used to read a book at night
    an amber clip on light shown with the charger

    Promising review: "This is a fantastic light! I use it every evening to continue reading while my son sleeps, it does not wake him or impede my sleep after I’m ready to go to bed. Great product." —Brian Masters

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    26. A Sleep Pod, aka a snuggly adult swaddle blanket that'll cocoon you like a snug little bug in a rug. It applies gentle pressure while still staying cool and breathable, so it basically mimics a light hug you can get a good night's sleep in.

    Model sleeping in a gray cocoon-like compression blanket with their feet and head poking out

    Hug Sleep is a Wisconsin-based, family-owned small business that specializes in quality products to improve sleep. 

    Promising review: "I’ve used it for 10 nights now, and by night 4, I was hooked. It washed up well — quick dry too! I’m autistic and loving the swaddled feel at night, especially during these hot months when my weighted blanket makes no sense." —Kathryn Whittier

    Get it from Amazon for $75.99 (available in five sizes, three styles, and three colors).

    27. And a weighted Bearaby napper that answers the question of, "What would it look like if a blanket had magic sleep-inducing powers?" This breathable chunky knit blanket is designed with a comforting weight to help soothe anxiety and promote calm, making it easier not just to fall asleep, but *stay* asleep. 

    A model peeking out from under a pale pink thickly woven blanket
    Model wearing the black version of the blanket around their shoulders

    I've been using this weighted blanket for about three years now and what I find really remarkable about it is that I *never* feel overheated in it. It's also just so, SO soft, and looks absolutely beautiful at the foot of my bed where I leave it every night. It definitely helps me activate "sleep mode" at night — I find the weight very comforting and not at all stifling, because it spreads so evenly. 

    Promising review: "I’m in love with my this blanket! It is absolutely gorgeous and has made a remarkable difference in my sleeping habits. If you are even thinking about a weighted blanket, this is a MUST! Just do it! You will only wish you’d done it sooner!" —Sandy 

    Psst — to choose a style, Bearaby recommends a blanket that is about ten percent of your body weight. 

    Get it from Bearaby for $199+ (available in four weights and six colors). 

    28. A dream balm made with calming herbs and essential oils like lavender, chamomile, mugwort, and valerian to help you nod off to dreamland and actually *stay* there.

    BuzzFeed editor holding purple canister of dream balm
    Dream balm in hand open to show the yellow balm inside
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Y'all, I am one of the world's worst sleepers and I swear by this HARD — particularly for when I wake up in the middle of the night and my brain is in "ah, let's think all the thoughts we've ever had at the SAME TIME" mode. I rub it on my temples and the insides of my wrists and take a big whiff from the canister and it's usually a lot easier for me to doze back off, when typically I might spend *hours* trying to conk back out. I've also found a little bit of this goes a long way — I've had this a few months and doubt I'll have to replace it for awhile!  

    Woodland Herbal is an Ohio-based Etsy shop established in 2018 that specializes in skincare, salves, and tea blends.

    Promising review: "I tried it last night and I haven’t slept this hard in a long time. The smell alone is soothing when you put it on your temples as you drift off to sleep. I usually toss and turn but I slept like a rock." —Emily Irvin

    Get it from Woodland Herbal on Etsy for $21.75+ (originally 29; available in two sizes). 

    29. A pair of breathable, lightweight satin pajamas that will make you feel like you're staying in a hotel suite instead of the same bed you frequently find stray Goldfish crumbs in between laundry days. 

    model wearing the long sleeved pajamas in bed
    reviewer taking a bathroom selfie in the pajamas

    Promising review: "These are the best pajamas I've ever purchased. I'm completely hooked. The quality is amazing and they're super comfortable. I will be ordering all the other colors." —Mandie

    Get them from Amazon for $28.99+ (available in women's sizes S–XL and eight colors).

    30. A pack of cult-fave nonmedicated Vicks VapoPatches — these mess-free, wearable patches help relieve congestion with a blend of eucalyptus, essential oils, and menthol, so you can still get your ~beauty sleep~ even when your immune system/allergies aren't feeling quite as beauteous as you'd like. 

    Two packs of vapopatches
    A model putting a vapopatch on their shirt

    A heads-up that these are meant to be worn *over* your clothes. 

    Promising review: "I was pleasantly surprised when the scent lasted all night! They absolutely help me sleep better when I have a cold. I ordered some for my mother so she’d have them on hand for the upcoming cold and flu season." —Ashley 

    Get two five-packs from Amazon for $18.48

    31. A tub of Lush's silky sleepy lotion for real overachievers, so you can get your skincare *and* sleepcare taken care of in one go. This is made with lavender and tonka to promote relaxation, and cocoa butter and almond oil to keep your skin moisturized and soft so you wake up fresh as a daisy. 

    The black tub of lotion
    A model rubbing the creamy lotion into her upper arm

    Promising review: "I love this cream dearly. I have so much trouble sleeping due to stress and anxiety. But, I think I may have Pavlov's-dogged myself with this lotion. Whenever I put on Sleepy, the lavender and tonka scent immediately relaxes my body. It has gotten to the point where I use the Sleepy bath bomb or shower gel before bed to prep myself mentally and physically for bed." —Princess Jo

    Here's what BuzzFeeder Heather Braga has to say about it: "I’m a pretty anxious person and have a hard time getting my brain to shut down before bed. This has been an absolute game changer for me. It’s not too thick, smells heavenly, and a little goes a long way. I apply to my chest and arms so the scent can easily lull me to sleep." 

    Get it from Lush for $15+ (available in three sizes).

    32. A splurgeworthy side sleeper pillow so gamechanging that you'll wish you had a time machine back to all the nights you slept without it. Reviewers swear by this pillow to help align their spine for relief from neck and shoulder pain, and *love* the genuinely cooling feeling the down alternative, gel memory foam insides. 

    Adjustable pillow on couch with neck support and never-flat features highlighted
    Model smiling laying on the side sleeper pillow

    Honeydew is a small business that specializes in uniquely-designed sleep products. 

    Promising review: "I have searched for a perfect pillow for many months, and finally found this one. I LOVE this pillow. It is soft yet supportive, and the shape is perfect for side sleeping. It is expensive, true, but I think well worth the price. The fill used is wonderful compared to shredded or molded memory foam. It feels like down but with more neck support, and not at all lumpy. I like to hug the side extensions which provide support for my upper body when sleeping on my side. I totally recommend this pillow for side sleepers. You won't be disappointed." —Elizabeth Wright 

    Get it from Amazon for $149.99+ (available in Queen and King sizes). 

    33. A sleep-focused essential oils blend made with chamomile, sage, and lavender to help soothe anxiety and reduce stress before bedtime and promote prolonged sleep.

    Promising review: "I have bad insomnia on the nights before I have to go to work. In desperation I decided to try using a diffuser, and I heard Lavender was the go to scent for this. I ordered Dream Essential Oil hoping it would help me and was so glad that the price was so affordable. I don't usually write reviews but I am so happy that I am now getting a good night's sleep every night before work that I had to share. The scent is pleasant and I find myself relaxing into it and falling asleep and staying asleep like never before. I can keep it going all night and it doesn't lose its scent either. I would highly recommend this product!" —Kindle Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    Psst — if you don't have a diffuser, you can get a popular, well-reviewed essential oil diffuser on Amazon for $15.99.

    You waking up in the middle of the night covered in sweat because you didn't buy those cult-fave cooling sheets yet: