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Michael Cohen testifies as a Wall Street Journal article is displayed on a screen in Manhattan criminal court, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, in New York. Donald Trump’s fixer-turned-foe Michael Cohen returned to the witness stand Tuesday, testifying in detail how former president was linked to all aspects of a hush money scheme that prosecutors say was aimed at stifling stories that threatened his 2016 campaign. (Elizabeth Williams via AP)
Michael Cohen testifies as a Wall Street Journal article is displayed on a screen in Manhattan criminal court, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, in New York. Donald Trump’s fixer-turned-foe Michael Cohen returned to the witness stand Tuesday, testifying in detail how former president was linked to all aspects of a hush money scheme that prosecutors say was aimed at stifling stories that threatened his 2016 campaign. (Elizabeth Williams via AP)


NEW YORK — It wasn’t until after a decade in the fold, after his family pleaded with him, after the FBI raided his office, apartment and hotel room, Michael Cohen testified Tuesday, that he finally decided to turn on Donald Trump.

That decision led to a 2018 guilty plea to federal charges involving a payment to the porn actor Stormy Daniels to bury her story of an alleged sexual encounter with Trump and to other, unrelated crimes. And it’s that insider knowledge of shady deals that pushed Manhattan prosecutors to make Cohen the star witness in their case against Trump about that same payment, which they say was an illegal effort to influence the 2016 presidential election. Under questioning this week, Cohen has described the nuts-and-bolts of how the scheme worked.

“To keep the loyalty and to do the things that he had asked me to do, I violated my moral compass, and I suffered the penalty, as has my family,” Cohen said Tuesday.

  • Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media outside Manhattan...

    Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media outside Manhattan criminal court before his trial in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (Mark Peterson/Pool Photo via AP)

  • Former President Donald Trump appears at Manhattan criminal court before...

    Former President Donald Trump appears at Manhattan criminal court before his trial in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (Mark Peterson/Pool Photo via AP)

  • Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media outside Manhattan...

    Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media outside Manhattan criminal court in New York, on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (Curtis Means/Pool Photo via AP)

  • From left U.S Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, businessman...

    From left U.S Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and Republican Congressman Cory Mills of Florida listen as former President Donald Trump talks with reporters outside Manhattan criminal court before his trial in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (Curtis Means/Pool Photo via AP)

  • Eric Trump looks on as his father, former President Donald...

    Eric Trump looks on as his father, former President Donald Trump arrives at Manhattan criminal court in New York, on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (Curtis Means/Pool Photo via AP)

  • Former President Donald Trump gives a thumbs-up as he exits...

    Former President Donald Trump gives a thumbs-up as he exits the courtroom during a break at Manhattan criminal court before his trial in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (Justin Lane/Pool Photo via AP)

  • Former President Donald Trump returns to proceedings after a break...

    Former President Donald Trump returns to proceedings after a break in his trial at Manhattan criminal court, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle, Pool)

  • Former President Donald Trump appears at Manhattan criminal court before...

    Former President Donald Trump appears at Manhattan criminal court before his trial in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. . (Justin Lane/Pool Photo via AP)

  • Former President Donald Trump appears at Manhattan criminal court before...

    Former President Donald Trump appears at Manhattan criminal court before his trial in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (Justin Lane/Pool Photo via AP)

  • Former President Donald Trump appears at Manhattan criminal court before...

    Former President Donald Trump appears at Manhattan criminal court before his trial in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (Justin Lane/Pool Photo via AP)

  • Michael Cohen leaves his apartment building in New York, Tuesday,...

    Michael Cohen leaves his apartment building in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Cohen, former President Donald Trump’s fixer-turned-foe is returning to the witness stand for a bruising round of questioning from the former president’s lawyers. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

  • Michael Cohen leaves his apartment building on his way to...

    Michael Cohen leaves his apartment building on his way to Manhattan criminal court in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

  • Michael Cohen leaves his apartment building on his way to...

    Michael Cohen leaves his apartment building on his way to Manhattan criminal court in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

  • Michael Cohen, right, leaves his apartment building in New York,...

    Michael Cohen, right, leaves his apartment building in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Cohen, former President Donald Trump’s fixer-turned-foe is returning to the witness stand for a bruising round of questioning from the former president’s lawyers. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)



There’s been no witness-stand bombast or fireworks so far from Cohen, a man who was defined for years by his braggadocio as Trump’s problem-zapper. Instead, his testimony about purposefully mislabeled checks, false receipts and blind loyalty, however dry it was, placed Trump at the center of the scheme and underscored the foundational argument of the case — that it’s not about the spectacle of what Trump was paying for, but rather his effort to illegally cover up those payments.

A shocking moment did come, but it was courtesy of House Speaker Mike Johnson, who appeared at the courthouse with Trump and who used his powerful bully pulpit to turn his political party against the rule of law by declaring the Manhattan criminal trial illegitimate. He and other GOP lawmakers are serving as surrogates while Trump himself remains barred by a gag order in the case following an appeals court ruling Tuesday.

“I do have a lot of surrogates, and they’re speaking very beautifully,” Trump said before court as the group gathered in the background. “And they come … from all over Washington. And they’re highly respected, and they think this is the greatest scam they’ve ever seen.”

The Republican presidential nominee has pleaded not guilty and denies that any of the encounters took place.

Cohen has testified in detail about how the former president was linked to all aspects of the hush money scheme, and prosecutors believe Cohen’s insider knowledge is critical to their case. But their reliance on a witness with such a checkered past — he was disbarred, went to prison and separately pleaded guilty to lying about a Moscow real estate project on Trump’s behalf — could backfire, especially as Trump’s attorneys cross-examine him.

Cohen will be the prosecution’s last witness. Trump’s defense will begin after his time is up on the witness stand.

Jurors have already heard how Trump and others in his orbit were reeling after the leak just a few weeks before the 2016 election of an “Access Hollywood” tape in which he bragged about grabbing women by the genitals without their permission. The publication of the tape hastened the payments to Daniels, according to testimony.

Cohen testified that Trump was constantly apprised of the behind-the-scenes efforts to bury stories feared to be harmful to the campaign. And after paying out $130,000 to Daniels in order to keep her quiet about an alleged sexual encounter, Trump promised to reimburse him.

Jurors followed along as Hoffinger, in a methodical and clinical fashion, walked Cohen through that reimbursement process. It was an attempt to show what prosecutors say was a lengthy deception to mask the true purpose of the payments.

As jurors were shown business records and other paperwork, Cohen explained their purpose and reiterated again and again that the payments were reimbursements for the hush money — they weren’t for legal services he provided or for a retainer.

It’s an important distinction, because prosecutors allege that the Trump records falsely described the purpose of the payments as legal expenses. These records form the basis of 34 felony counts charging Trump with falsifying business records. All told, Cohen was paid $420,000, with funds drawn from a Trump personal account.

“Were the descriptions on this check stub false?” Hoffinger asked.

“Yes,” Cohen said.

“And again, there was no retainer agreement,” Hoffinger asked.

“Correct,” Cohen replied.

On Monday, Cohen testified: “Everything required Mr. Trump’s sign-off.”

He told jurors that Trump did not want Daniels’ account of a sexual encounter to get out. At the time, Trump was especially anxious about how the story would affect his standing with female voters, particularly after the “Access Hollywood” leak.

“What I was doing, I was doing at the direction of and benefit of Mr. Trump,” Cohen testified.

But prosecutors also spent time Tuesday working to blunt the potential credibility issues, painting Cohen as a longtime Trump loyalist who committed crimes on behalf of the former president. On the witness stand, Cohen described in detail the April 2018 raid that marked the beginning of the end of his time being devoted to Trump.

“How to describe your life being turned upside-down. Concerned. Despondent. Angry,” Cohen told the jury.

“Were you frightened?” Hoffinger asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said.

But he was heartened by a phone call from Trump that he said gave him reassurance and convinced him to remain “in the camp.”

He said to me, ‘Don’t worry. I’m the president of the United States. There’s nothing here. Everything’s going to be OK. Stay tough. You’re going to be OK,’” Cohen testified.

Cohen told jurors that he “felt reassured because I had the president of the United States protecting me … And so I remained in the camp.”

It was his wife and family who finally made him see how sticking by Trump was detrimental.

“What are you doing? We’re supposed to be your first loyalty,” Cohen testified. “It was about time to listen to them,” he said.

The men were once so close that Cohen boasted that he would “take a bullet” for Trump. But as their relationship soured, Cohen became one of Trump’s most vocal critics. The two have, over the years, traded vicious barbs. During their last courtroom faceoff in October during Trump’s civil fraud trial, Trump walked out of the courtroom after his lawyer finished questioning Cohen.

Throughout Cohen’s testimony Tuesday, Trump reclined in his chair with his eyes closed and his head tilted to the side. He shifted from time to time, occasionally leaning forward and opening his eyes, making a comment to his attorney before returning to his recline. Even some of the topics that have animated him the most as he campaigns didn’t stir his attention.

“Mr. Cohen, do you have any regrets about your past work for Donald Trump?” Hoffinger asked.

“I do,” Cohen said. “I regret doing things for him that I should not have. Lying. Bullying people to effectuate a goal. I don’t regret working for the Trump Organization. As I expressed before, I had some very interesting, great times.”

Long reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Jill Colvin in New York and Lisa Mascaro in Washington contributed to this report.