We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    29 Problem Solving Products That Deserve To Be In The Avengers Because They Literally Save The Day

    Thor's hammer and the ChomChom are equally as powerful, tbh.

    1. A rechargeable nail grinder because you and your furniture are tired of getting scratched by your dog's overgrown nails. It's extra quiet, which is perfect for pooches who tend to get spooked by regular clippers.

    Promising review: "I have an aging 85 lb. American bulldog with bad joints who, because of Covid and stairs, I can no longer take to groomer. Her nails are too thick to clip without risk of splitting, and I was horrified at the thought of causing her more pain by clipping. This grinder was quiet and she got used to it almost immediately. Her nails are too big to fit in the safety cover so I just used it without that feature and it was perfect. Highly recommend watching the video first but it sure saved the day here. My dog and I are very grateful for such a great product." —Kristen G. 

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in six colors).

    2. A bottle of professional-grade callus-removing gel so you can quickly remove years' (I repeat, YEARS') worth of hard calluses without endless scraping and scrubbing. 

    Just presoak your feet, apply the gel, let sit for 5–10 minutes, and rinse! It's recommended you go back in afterward with a foot file just to make sure no residue or dead skin is left behind.

    Promising review: "I have the driest heels and this is the ONLY product that has ever worked. Before I used this my heels had some pretty deep cracks and now they're almost baby soft again. BUT please follow the directions...left it on my super-dry thick-callused heels for only three minutes and the callouses were literally melting off! Wonderful product! So glad I don't have to go soak my feet in those tubs at the nail salon anymore." —Kiki

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    3. A pair of thick fleece-lined joggers for perpetually cold snuggle-bugs searching for an incognito wearable blanket. And you thought sweatpants couldn't get any cozier!   

    a reviewer wearing the light gray sweatpants
    a reviewer holding the pants and showing the fluffy interior lining

    Most reviewers recommend sizing up! AND you can snag a matching fleece-lined zip-up hoodie here.

    Promising review: "If you're thinking about buying these, DO IT. They are thick thigh–approved!! They fit and feel amazing. The inside is so soft and cozy but they still have some stretch to them." —Cecilia

    Get it from Amazon for $36.99+ (available in women's sizes XS–XXL and nine colors).

    4. A beloved tub of TikTok-famous pink cleaning paste that'll preform small cleaning miracles on virtually any surface in your home without endless, abrasive scrubbing. Try it out on those "forever" stains that just won't budge. 

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    A customer review before and after photo showing the results of using The Pink Stuff on their stovetop

    Promising review: "This stuff is amazing!! Buy it!! I never leave reviews, but holy cow this stuff works! Used it to clean permanent marker off my cabinets, grease off my stove, inside the microwave, and I just opened it 10 minutes ago. Love love love!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $5.29+ (available in three sizes).

    5. A lil' polar bear hydrating eye stick if your puffy, aching eyes feel like cinderblocks in the morning they're so heavy. Kickstart your routine with sweet, sweet relief thanks to this hydrating formula, which is blended with Iceland glacial water to help relieve puffiness, tighten skin, and tackle dark circles. 

    The small polar bear shaped eye stick in a reviewer's hands
    Before and after pic of reviewer with dark under eyes that are gone in the second pic

    Promising review: "As I have gotten older, I definitely have bags under my eyes. I'm Asian, so I also have pads underneath that tend to retain water. NOTHING WORKED...tried it all, creams, massage, caffeine treatments, etc. THIS WORKS. I don't know how, but the bags are gone and the skin is much tauter! Doesn't disrupt my eye makeup, easy to use. LOVE THIS." —Grace 

    Get it from Amazon for $6.83 (available in blue and pink). 

    6. A pack of biodegradable foaming drain-cleaning pouches to effortlessly take care of all the out-of-sight grime clogging (and stinking) up your garbage disposal.

    Garbage disposal cleaner packet in disposal
    Reviewer gif of garbage disposal cleaner foaming up

    Promising review: "My disposal developed a bad odor and all the usual remedies failed to eliminate it. I bought the Glisten disposal cleaner not expecting it to work. It worked exactly as shown in the video and the bad odor disappeared after one application. I intend to use it once every two weeks in the future. I am very pleased to have found this product. I was on the verge of replacing the disposal which was otherwise working fine." —Errol Levine

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $8

    7. A painless, mint-flavored teeth-whitening pen because traditional strips are tough to use, expensive, and can leave you with teeth sensitivity that is, in my professional opinion, NO fun. With this pen you can get quick results. And the best part? No lingering sensitivity. 

    Promising review: "I bought this on a whim when I saw someone review it on TikTok. After using it several times over the course of a week, I immediately noticed the difference in the color of my teeth. I'm a smoker and a heavy coffee drinker. I'm finding that this product will be a lifesaver in terms of what my smile looks like. I would definitely recommend!!" —Mully

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $18.95.

    8. A set of silicone food savers so when the recipe only calls for half a lime, you can easily save the other half without turning to plastic wrap only to have it get all weird and hard in your fridge, anyway. 

    an assortment of different-sized fruits cut in half with food huggers on the skinless side

    Food Huggers is a woman-owned small biz founded by two friends trying to cut down on both food and plastic waste in the kitchen. 

    Promising review: "I love these! I have my own and just gave my mom a set when she noticed them. I love being able to reuse the huggers and reduce the use of other materials, like foil or plastic wrap." —Michelle L.

    Get a five-piece set from Amazon for $17.99 (available in five color combos).

    9. A hydrating snail mucin-repairing essence for soothing *all* skin types (reviewers love how gentle it is) with the potential to help heal acne scars, fade dark spots, and smooth fine lines...all for under $20!! 

    Reviewer before and after picture with redness healed from their face
    The bottle of serum

    Promising review: "I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I was literally crying about how awful my skin was not even a month ago and then when it started going viral on TikTok I decided to buy it and wow. Just wow. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, has worked for my skin all throughout my life, and I started getting pimples when I was around the age of eight. It’s improved my skin in only three days I love it so much! I’m so thankful it went viral." —Vanessa 

    Get it from Amazon for $16.25

    10. A pair of heavy-duty escape tracks that are a lifesaver when your parked car greets you with spinning tires thanks to copious snow.  No pushing or towing required thanks to "teeth" that'll help your car gain traction and get moving. 

    A car using the escape tracks in the snow

    Maxsa is a family-owned small business on a missions to create products that make people's live's easier, including auto accessories, home electronics, replacement parts, and more. 

    Promising review: "Bought these a few months ago and have since used them twice in a situation where I had gotten stuck; both were in deep snow and they did their job and held up fine. Definitely happy with my purchase and would buy again" —Josh Newland

    Get them from Amazon for $129.95+ (available in four styles and in three colors).

    11. A patented ChomChom pet hair remover if Fido's shedding is taking over your home and you're sick of lugging out the vacuum every three seconds. This uses bristles, not sticky tape, to catch lint meaning you can clean and reuse it over and over and over again.

    a blue velvet ottoman covered in cat hair, with an after photo of it 10 seconds later looking clean and hair-free after using the chomchom
    Jenae Sitzes / BuzzFeed

    ChomChom Roller is a Massachusetts-based small biz creating an eco-friendly, reusable alternative to sticky lint rollers. 

    Promising reviews: "TikTok made me buy this and it is money well spent!! I’m convinced that my beagle sheds a full coat of hair and regrows it daily! I use this on my bed every single day and it blows my mind how well it works. Before this I was going through four to five disposable sticky rollers a month and spending three times longer to remove dog hair. I am buying these for everyone in my family as Christmas gifts this year! ❤️" —tiff4short

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in two colors). 

    12. A bleach-free Wet & Forget shower cleaner to not only clean but prevent soap scum buildup with minimal effort. Once a week, simply give your shower a spray, let it sit overnight, rinse, and — BOOM — you're done and didn't even break a sweat.

    a reviewer photo of a shower wall with white build.-up on the walls
    a reviewer photo of the same shower wall looking clean

    Promising review: "Wet & Forget for SHOWERS…I will never be without this product. Clean your shower or bathtub, and spray this on. Wait a week, then spray again, and each week, and you will never have to clean your tub or shower again!!! I’ve used this product since it came out...So convenient to store and quick to pull out and quickly spray down when you get out of the shower. Will NEVER be without it!!!" —Peggy J. Simmons

    Get it from Amazon for $20.98+ (available in two scents and two sizes).

    13. A UV-free sunlight therapy lamp because less daylight can take a toll on your mental health, and a little sun simulation can go a long way toward helping you not feel so utterly drained before, during, and after the workday.

    a reviewer photo of the unlit light
    a reviewer photo of the light turned on

    Read more about how light therapy can potentially help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) from Cleveland Clinic

    Promising review: "I was extremely skeptical if this light would do anything. I live in the Chicago area where during the winter we often do not get any sun. After about 10 days passed with no sun, I felt like I needed something to make me feel better. After using it for a few days now I actually do feel better and I had VERY low expectations that it would do anything. I'm pleasantly surprised and highly suggest it. It's small and sits on my desk, and is very easy to work." —Jeff S. Katz

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in four colors).

    14. A box of Mighty Patch pimple patches containing hydrocolloid so you can stop that zit dead in its tracks with gunk-absorbing powers that speed up the pimple healing process. The sticker format can also help prevent you from any habitual picking or popping. 

    Reviewer before and after photo using patches
    reviewer holding the white and red mighty patch box

    Promising review: "I am an older millennial who suffers from adult acne because I can’t stop touching my face throughout the day. I’m usually sitting with my hand on my chin or cheek, so I break out. I also never leave my pimples alone to heal. These little things are amazing. I will put one of them on a pimple overnight, and in the morning, the pimple is completely flat. It heals so fast. These have become a staple in my life. I highly recommend them." —Stella 

    And check out BuzzFeed Shopping editor Amanda Davis's full Mighty Patch review for more info!

    Get a pack of 36 from Amazon for $11.97.

    15. A plug-in multicat calming diffuser kit for restoring harmony to your once peaceful feline domain. If you've recently welcomed a new cat to the household, or a life change has caused recent behavior changes, this drug-free solution mimics a mother cat’s natural nursing pheromones to help calm tensions and stimulate social contact. 

    the feliway diffuser plugged into a wall
    a pair of cats lounging back to back on a bed

    This starter kit gets you the diffuser head and one vial of Feliway; refills are also available on Amazon. Keep in mind that this shouldn't replace standard protocol for new cat introductions like keeping them separate for a while, doing smell introductions first, etc. 

    Promising review: "I can’t express enough how much this has changed mine and my cats' lives. Merging two households wasn’t easy on the cats. One male cat had a hard time moving into a new house with new pets. He had terrible behavior problems and would cause us and the other cats a lot of stress... We tried everything the vet suggested to reduce theses incidences, but getting Feliway was the only thing that worked. He is a completely different cat now. He is calm and his outbursts rarely happen. He has become a couch cat and has turned into the sweetest boy. The other cats aren’t stressed anymore and neither are we...It definitely has more of an affect on the male cats than the female. If you aren’t noticing a difference with one diffuser I would suggest getting a second. We couldn’t believe that this one product could fix everything, but it did...If your cats are having any behavior problems or stress please try this!" —Kristine Spencer

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99

    16. A pack of two dark spot corrector soap bars that are packed with all the skin-loving good stuff (vitamin C, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, collagen, and MORE) to help even out skin and diminish dark spots wherever you need it. 

    Promising review: "So I initially started using another kojic acid soap to help with my hyperpigmentation due to shaving my face because I have PCOS and have developed hirsutism. I’m usually a 'full face of makeup at all times' kind of girl because of my insecurities but this soap has given me a new confidence. I used it for the first time Saturday night and instantly saw the results of this soap. My skin looks so much more even." —Adrienne Jerkins

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $11.99.

    17. A variety pack of LED light–blocking stickers if your alarm clock isn't just waking you up, but keeping you up. These peel-and-stick dimmers are great for reducing harsh light from digital clocks, routers, chargers, and more!

    A sheet of the stickers in several different sizes of circles, squares, and rectangles
    A reviewer photo of a super-bright bedside clock
    The same reviewer's clock display looking much dimmer with a sticker on

    Promising review: "Simple but perfect. I recently mounted my TV to the wall and now directly below it is my TiVo box. The red and green lights are bright and occasionally distracting. After applying these, I can still see the lights (so I know when it is recording) but they are a lot dimmer now and way less distracting. Thanks for a great product. I’ve also used these on a bedroom TV that had a bright red light when it was off. Couldn’t sleep because it bothered me. LightDims saved the day there too." —RandomReviewer

    Get 100 stickers from Amazon for $4.39.

    18. A box of waterproof medicated pads you apply like bandages to finally force out the wart living rent-free under your skin.

    Promising review: "I had a stubborn wart on my right thumb that has been there for almost a year. Went to the doctor the first time to freeze it, but it didn't completely remove the wart so I decided to try the gel. The gel helped but not for too long and the wart came back (in a couple of days). Long story short, I got these medicated Band-Aids and the results are incredibly satisfying. Used these Band-Aids every day for a week and the next week, my wart is gone. So far, it's been a week after and I haven't noticed any growth. Highly recommend!" —J

    Get a pack of 14 from Amazon for $7.29.

    19. A pack of dishwasher-cleaning tablets because (to my shock and horror) you have to clean the thing that cleans your dishes, and these tablets make doing so as quick and easy as...well...running the dishwasher.

    Promising review: "This stuff is amazing! I used it in my dishwasher. Had standing water on the bottom, dropped one tablet in the water. Put it on light wash cycle and at the end of the cycle, the water was gone! It thoroughly cleans and I have not had any other problems. I now use it regularly. I recommend this highly to keep your dishwasher clean and eliminate clogs from buildup. It was recommended to me by my super and after my positive experience I am happy to cosign his recommendation." —cheapchicshopper

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $8.95.

    20. A versatile chop, slice, and dice unit so you can drastically *cut* down on food prep and cleanup time with interchangeable blades that can each be popped into the dishwasher. Never chop an onion by hand ever again? Yes, please!! 

    a reviewer photo of the chopper, attachable blades and a bin filled with chopped potatoes
    a reviewer using the chopper to dice an onion

    Promising review: "OMG, how many days did I cry while cutting onions? Never again after getting this product. I cut onions, peppers, potatoes, and many more within seconds. It’s amazing. I tried using it to cut tomatoes, but I guess it works better to cut solid items, not tomatoes or anything that gets smashed easily. I might never be able to live without it anymore!!! Approved and recommended. 👍🏽" —Oscar Salas

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in three colors and in bundles of more chopping tools).

    21. A roll-on blister-preventing balm for when you've got new booties to break in, but zero time to waste limping around because of painful blisters. 

    a model applying the balm on their heel

    Promising review: "My family goes to Disney World every year, and even with rotating shoes every other day, we still get blisters. I bought this before our trip two months ago, and it was worth every penny. We rubbed it all over the top, bottom, sides of our feet and toes each morning, and our feet did not blister! I highly recommend this product for long Disney days or any time you will be on your feet for a long period of time." —Cari Sanders

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    22. A sleek touch-less forehead thermometer with an intuitive design that you'll want around whenever anyone in your house starts feeling a bit off. It delivers a quick and quiet reading so you can get in, take your kid's temperature, and get out before they even have a chance to cut naptime short. 

    Promising review: "This is a game changer for our medicine cabinet!!! Works so fast and is much easier than having to put a thermometer under the tongue, etc. especially helpful with a baby and young child!!" —R L

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in white and black).

    23. A set of set Shark Tank-approved Wad-Free tools if you're tired of laundry day getting derailed by tangled bedsheets. These help maintain a balanced washer drum, reduce dry times, and prevent wet clothes from getting trapped in the sheets. 

    the wad free pads attached to a bed sheet

    Wad-Free is a small biz that was launched during the pandemic by Cyndi Bray, who had a wadding problem and no available solutions. So they did what anyone would do (JK) — learned CAD (computer-aided design) and invented a genius solution! 

    Promising review: "Wow!!! You wonder if things like this really work and, well, I can absolutely confirm it does! First, I was impressed that the package came with two of the devices because I was only expecting one. So there was one for the fitted sheet, and the flat sheet. Finally, I tried it out and my sheets not only did NOT wad up, they came out of the dryer feeling fresher, feeling more dry, and unwrinkled! I will be buying a set of these for each of my immediate family members and close friends! What a great gift!!!" —katy

    Get a pair from Amazon for $19.99.

    24. A mess-free indoor bug trap because somehow these teeny tiny insects are proving to be a massive distraction. This zap-free gadget uses a UV light and a powerful fan to attract bugs and a built-in glue trap to keep them out of sight. 

    a reviewer photo of the indoor insect trap in white
    a reviewer photo of the sticky trap with bugs all over it

    Promising review: "Get this!! We live in Louisiana and we’re having a terrible time with mosquitoes coming into our house. They would attack our kids at night. The first night we used this we caught 16!!!!!! It’s now a part of our routine to turn a sound machine on and then this misquote catcher for our kids at night. Next month it will be a year that we have had this. We now only caught one or two a week since this is not even giving them a chance to breed. I’m ordering another for my bedroom since I do not dare take the kids from their rooms." —Amazon Customer 

    Get it from Amazon for $40.99 (available in black and white). 

    25. A pair of noise-reduction earplugs for quieting surrounding noises without impacting your ability to hear them, so you can take the edge off overwhelming noise pollution. It's a great option for anyone with auditory sensitivities that make sustained focus or relaxation difficult.

    a reviewer wearing the silver plugs
    a reviewer holding a carrying case with the earplugs inside

    The earplugs also come with a carrying case and eight different ear tips (XS–L) to ensure the perfect fit.

    Promising review: "These earplugs are awesome. I can have them in all day, and they are so comfortable. They have changed my life honestly. I am very sensitive to certain noises, which is very stressful. However, these earplugs are great. They drown out the annoying noises. I can still have conversations with people and listen to music and watch TV without being overwhelmed by background noise! Also by people eating! I also think that they have improved my focus a lot too. When I have them in, my brain isn't distracted by what's going on in the background, so I can focus better on what's in front of me." —Oana

    Get it from Amazon for $34.95 (available in seven colors). A super-soft silicone version is also available for $28.95 (available in five colors).

    26. An all-in-one pancake batter dispenser with a blender ball inside that makes it easy to mix, pour, and store batter all in one easy-to-manage receptacle. More pancakes *and* fewer dishes? Dreams really do come true.

    Promising review: "I LOVE MY PANCAKE BOTTLE MIXER!!! Best money I've ever spent on a kitchen item for sure!! It cuts cooking and preparation time by half!! Seriously! And cleaning it is so easy!! A drop of dish soap, some warm water, shake it up, open it, scrub the tip and lid, and rinse it — that's all!!!" —Veronica Portillo

    Get it from Amazon for $13.60+ (available in white and mint). 

    27. A roll-on migraine stick packed with cooling essential oils if you're looking for added relief from painful headaches that's compact enough to put in a purse or pocket!

    Read more about aromatherapy and stress and tension at Johns Hopkins.

    Promising review: "So easy to use and carry with you. In fact, get several and have them with you at home, or wherever is handy. This is the holy grail of migraine relief. Very little is needed. I roll on temples, by ears, above eyebrows, below cheekbones, back of neck, and base of skull. I use this anytime I need. No offensive odor. Better than any medications that are prescribed or OTC. Very good with sinus congestion also." —c.b.

    Read BuzzFeed's Migrastil migraine stick review for more deets!

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95.

    28. A non-aerosol dry shampoo powder packed in a travel-friendly compact because it'll help prolong wash day and revive greasy locks so you can basically roll right out of bed and into the office and STILL have coworkers complimenting your fabulous hair. 

    a reviewer's greasy hair before using the dry shampoo
    the reviewer's hair after using the product

    Promising review: "I am so glad I gave this product a try, as it works amazingly well on my fine, oily hair. I have used just about every dry shampoo product on the market, and this is by far the best one yet. My hair looks beautiful, and I can now go nearly a week without washing (while still having absolutely gorgeous hair)! I used to have to wash my hair every other day when I was using my former favorite dry shampoo (and it made my scalp itch on day two). This product is definitely worth a try, it may soon be your favorite!" —Melanie Havert

    Get it from Amazon for $18

    29. A set of pant waist extenders so you can reunite with your favorite pair of too-snug pants. With these, your jeans and trousers can gain up to 2 inches so weight gain, a medical procedure, or early pregnancy doesn't mean saying goodbye to your go-to styles.

    a pair of jeans with the waist extender installed
    a waist extender installed on a pair of black dress pants

    Comfy Clothiers is a a small business that launched in 2015 with the mission to help people dress their best while staying as comfortable as possible in the process. 

    The set includes five fabric pants button extenders, five fabric hook-and-eye extenders, and three denim jeans waist extenders in a variety of colors.

    Promising review: "Got these for some dress pants that I didn't quite fit into anymore. It saved the day! Clips right onto the existing tab, stayed out all day, and was not visible behind my belt/buckle." —A. Craig

    Get a a multipack from Amazon for $10.99.

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.