The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

The deadliest bridge collapses in U.S. history

March 16, 2018 at 6:01 a.m. EDT
The twisted wreckage of the Ohio River Silver Bridge after it fell with an estimated 75 cars and trucks on it on Dec. 15, 1967. Many cars were crushed beneath this ramp when the bridge toppled. (AP)

A pedestrian bridge touted for its pioneering construction method collapsed Thursday over a congested road near Miami, killing at least six people, crushing eight vehicles and sending survivors to the hospital.

The bridge, which weighed more than 950 tons and was still under construction, had been intended to allow Florida International University students to avoid crossing the hectic roadway that divided their campus and the nearby city of Sweetwater. But a different and chaotic scene unfolded about 1:30 p.m. Thursday, when rescue workers raced to free victims from blocks of concrete and fractured metal.