
supermassive-black-hole / English

Stories published on Aug 6
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  • Stories published on Aug 6

Tuesday, Aug 6


JWST unveils the structure of dust near a supermassive black hole


A team of international scientists led by researchers at Newcastle University, have used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to reveal a hidden veil of dust in a galaxy 70 million light years away.

Sunday, Aug 4


Cosmic Detective Work Leads to Stunning Black Hole Discovery in Our Galaxy


An international research team has identified potential signs of an intermediate-mass black hole within the IRS 13 star cluster near the supermassive black hole at...

Thursday, Aug 1


Rotating Winds Fuel Cosmic Giants: New Black Hole Insights From ALMA


Scientists identified a magnetized wind in a nearby galaxy that supports the growth of its central supermassive black hole, indicating a common growth mechanism with...

Wednesday, Jul 31


Tuesday, Jul 30


Finally! Astronomers Find the Missing Link Between Stellar and Supermassive Black Holes


While black holes are known as the most destructive objects in the universe, their evolution is largely shrouded in mystery. This is because while astronomers are familiar with supermassive black holes that exist at the center of galaxies…

Monday, Jul 29


Dark matter could play 'matchmaker' for supermassive black holes


Dark matter could act as a cosmic matchmaker between dark matter and merging supermassive black holes, solving astronomy's "final parsec problem."

Sunday, Jul 28


Magnetic Winds Drive Supermassive Black Hole Growth in Nearby Galaxy


Newly uncovered process is similar to how stars and planets are born. A Northwestern University study using ALMA Observatory data revealed that rotating magnetic winds...

Thursday, Jul 25


Ultra-rare black hole found hiding in the center of the Milky Way


A potential intermediate-mass black hole is hiding right next to our galaxy's supermassive black hole.


Tuesday, Jul 23


Scientists waited ages to find a 'missing link' black hole — then stumbled upon 2


A missing link black hole that sits in the mass gap between stellar-mass black holes and supermassive black holes is "parked" right by the Milky Way's central black hole, Sagittarius A*.


New Insight into Supermassive Black Hole Mergers and Dark Matter


Researchers have identified a crucial link between supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and dark matter particles, shedding light on the "final parsec problem" in astrophysics.


Astrophysicists uncover supermassive blackhole/dark matter connection in solving the 'final parsec problem'


Researchers have found a link between some of the largest and smallest objects in the cosmos: supermassive black holes and dark matter particles. Their new calculations reveal that pairs of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) can merge into a…

Monday, Jul 22


Astrophysicists uncover supermassive black hole/dark matter connection in solving the 'final parsec problem'


Researchers have found a link between some of the largest and smallest objects in the cosmos: supermassive black holes and dark matter particles.

Saturday, Jul 20


Saturday Citations: Scientists study monkey faces and cat bellies; another intermediate black hole in the Milky Way


This is not a rerun of last week's roundup; another group of astronomers found a second intermediate-mass black hole in the Milky Way and I can't avoid highlighting it. They're cool! They may have formed in the primordial universe, they…

Friday, Jul 19


Another 'missing link' black hole discovered near the center of the galaxy


A group of international researchers at the University of Cologne in Germany recently discovered one of the rarest types of black holes in the universe. The researchers were observing a cluster of stars in the vicinity of a supermassive…


Discovery of intermediate-mass black hole near galactic center


An international team of researchers, led by PD Dr. Florian Peissker, has identified signs of an intermediate-mass black hole while studying a star cluster near the supermassive black hole SgrA* (Sagittarius A*) at the center of our galaxy.

Thursday, Jul 18


Another intermediate-mass black hole discovery at the center of our galaxy


While researching a cluster of stars in the immediate vicinity of the supermassive black hole SgrA* (Sagittarius A*) at the center of our galaxy, an international team of researchers led by PD Dr. Florian Peißker has found signs of another…


Supermassive black holes provide 'hearts and lungs' that help galaxies live longer


The universe would be filled with zombie galaxies and dead stars if not for supermassive black hole-powered 'hearts and lungs' that help slow star formation.