

Today News


Diary - out and about


Out and about.

Wednesday, May 29


Diary - out and about


Out and about.

Tuesday, May 28

Diary - out and about


Out and about.

Monday, May 27

Diary - remembering the US fallen on D Day


Attended a Memorial Service by the US Cenotaph on the promenade in Weymouth. This was to remember all those brave US soldiers who died on D Day, many on Omaha beach on 6 June, 1944. Led by the newly appointed Mayor, Cllr John Orrell, and…

Friday, May 24


W2W - police need the power to stop and search


KNIFE crime is at an all-time high; Last year, nearly 50,000 offences were committed, a third of them in London.


Diary - farewell to a special lady


As you might imagine, there was a lot to do following the PM's surprise announcement on Wednesday. Michael Gove joined a number of my colleagues who'd decided to leave politics. I was certain there'd be more. So, after a hectic morning, I…

Thursday, May 23

Diary - last day in the Commons


Day one and Party leaders were out selling their wares to the public. The Prime Minister had a far clearer message to deliver than his opponents, who did their best to flannel and hide their true intentions. For me, it was the last day in…


Diary - starting gun for GE fired


What an extraordinary day. It began with a run in the park, which prepared me well for what was to come just after 1700. Rumours that the Prime Minister was to call a GE had began to swirl early on, but no one believed it. Roll forward…

Tuesday, May 21


Diary - a fascinating day at NATO HQs in Brussels


An early start at 0630 with a hearty breakfast. It was going to be a long day. At 0730 we were back on our minibus and off to NATO HQs. After a group photograph in front of all the NATO flags, we took a lift to the fourth floor and were…

Speech - Infected Blood compensation scheme by the Payymaster General, the Rt Hon John Glen MP


With permission, Mr Speaker, I would like to make a statement following the final report of the infected blood inquiry.

Monday, May 20

Speech - Infected Blood Inquiry Report by the Prime Minister


Mr Speaker, Sir Brian Langstaff has today published the final report of the infected blood inquiry. This is a day of shame for the British state. Today’s report shows a decades-long moral failure at the heart of our national life. From the…

European Scrutiny Committee - oral evidence session with the Foreign Secretary


Richard Drax: Foreign Secretary, good afternoon. Forgive me, but I have to go at about 4 because I have a Defence Committee visit to Brussels—it is not for any other reason. As we have said and as you know, the Rock is of great military…

Diary - a question of our sovereignty and Gibraltar's military role


Regrettably, another injustice concludes, following an inquiry into the infected blood scandal, which had gone on for decades. It brought the Prime Minister to the Chamber, who made a Statement apologising to the victims and their families…

Parliamentary Question - Sir Galahad and the Welsh Guards


I and other colleagues, particularly my hon. Friend the Member for South Dorset (Richard Drax) and the hon. Member for Newport East (Jessica Morden), would like to follow up on the Minister’s comments to the House in March regarding the…

Sunday, May 19


Diary - out and about in the constituency


A lot of constituency correspondence to catch up on in the morning. Then out into the constituency. This is one of the most enjoyable parts of the job and I met some lovely people and had some interesting chats.

Friday, May 17


Diary - update from the police


Another warm day, thankfully. Busy to 0930, then to my Association office in Winfrith. There I met a young reporter from the Purbeck Gazette, which had asked to do a profile piece. I am never keen on this type of publication because it's…


W2W - anti-Semitism sadly alive in the UK


ON 27 January every year, we remember the extermination of six million Jews during World War Two.

Thursday, May 16


PR: Special School for Portland 'getting there,' says Drax


Richard Drax, MP for South Dorset, has received confirmation that the special school for Portland, for which he and Dorset Council have fought for so long, is finally moving ahead.


Diary - an inspirational 'Nest'


A busy morning until 1000 and then down to Weymouth on my motorbike. I arrived at The Nest in Abbotsbury Road on time, to see the project's founder standing in the road waiting for me. Neil Hardisty is a Christian and a remarkable one. He…

Wednesday, May 15

Diary - prisons are full


Up early and out for a run. Routine matters until 1100, when I met a journalist from the House Magazine, Tali Fraser. Having been a journalist myself for 17 years, I enjoy meeting those in my former profession. We had a coffee and chatted…

Tuesday, May 14

Diary - World Health Organisation comes with a health warning!


Up early and off to BMW in SW8. My range of motorbike had been recalled and I was sent to a service centre to have the concern checked. Back by tube to the Commons and shorty afterwards into the third session on the Defence Committee's…

Parliamentary Question - WHO agreement


May I firmly tell the Minister that the road to hell is paved with good intentions? I do not trust bureaucracies, and I certainly do not trust this one. Judging by the way in which it behaved last time, with its instinct to lock us all…

Monday, May 13

Diary - more on the so-called 'grey zone'


Back to the Commons. I decided to take my motorcycle, hoping for good weather. Rather unexpectedly, it drizzled for the first hour and then remained overcast to London. After a private lunch with colleagues of both Houses, I went to the…

Friday, May 10


W2W - curse of modern times


Observing people walking around any town or city is like watching a zombie movie.

Thursday, May 9


Diary - out in the constituency


Feeling much stronger. The sun really brightening everything up. We've had so much rain and I think everyone's fed up with it. A busy morning working on constituency matters and then out and about in my constituency. Labour's new recruit,…

Wednesday, May 8

Diary - crossing the floor


Still out of action today, but watched and read about home and world affairs with interest. Also time to write to several constituents on various matters. Meanwhile, in the Commons, there was a surprise which no one was prepared for, not…

Tuesday, May 7

Diary - finger of suspicion points to China an another hacking case


Hors de combat for a couple of days after a minor procedure today. In other news, the defence secretary told MPs that state - China? - involvement could not be ruled out in a hack of an Armed Forces' payroll system. A five-month-old baby…

Saturday, May 4


Diary - we fail to hold Dorset Council


What a day! All eyes were on the Dorset Council election, being counted at Redlands Sports Centre in Weymouth. There were plenty of nervous politicians from all Parties as the day wore on. Counting did not actually begin until about 1400,…

Friday, May 3

W2W - SNP fails a once proud nation


DEVOLUTION in Scotland has, in my view, been an unmitigated disaster.

Thursday, May 2


Diary - Polling Day


Polling Day. Mayors and councillors across the country faced their electorate today, although all the results would not be known until the end of Saturday. I wish our team well, especially in Dorset. A day to tackle the constituency in…