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Today News


This law is a lifeline for pregnant workers even as an abortion dispute complicates its enforcement


Victoria Cornejo Barrera thought the legal helpline for workers sounded too good to be true.

This law is a lifeline for pregnant workers even as an abortion dispute complicates its enforcement


NEW YORK (AP) — Victoria Cornejo Barrera thought the legal helpline for workers sounded too good to be true. A…

This law is a lifeline for pregnant workers even as an abortion dispute complicates its enforcement


A new law strengthening protections for pregnant workers has been a lifeline to many low-wage women seeking accommodations from employers who might otherwise have forced them into unpaid leave

This law is a lifeline for pregnant workers even as an abortion dispute complicates its enforcement


By ALEXANDRA OLSON and CLAIRE SAVAGE AP Business Writers NEW YORK (AP) — Victoria Cornejo Barrera thought the legal helpline for workers sounded too good to be true. A month earlier, Cornejo Barrera had been forced to take leave from her…

This law is a lifeline for pregnant workers even as an abortion dispute complicates its enforcement


Victoria Cornejo Barrera thought the legal helpline for workers sounded too good to be true and wondered if it was a scam.

This law is a lifeline for pregnant workers even as an abortion dispute complicates its enforcement


NEW YORK (AP) — Victoria Cornejo Barrera thought the legal helpline for workers sounded too good to be true and…

This law is a lifeline for pregnant workers even as an abortion dispute complicates its enforcement


A new law strengthening protections for pregnant workers has been a lifeline to many low-wage women seeking accommodations from employers who might otherwise have forced them into unpaid leave

This law is a lifeline for pregnant workers even as an abortion dispute complicates its enforcement


By ALEXANDRA OLSON and CLAIRE SAVAGE AP Business Writers NEW YORK (AP) — Victoria Cornejo Barrera thought the legal helpline for workers sounded too good to be true and wondered if it was a scam. A month earlier, Cornejo Barrera had been…

New report shows more Texans traveling out of state to get an abortion

Anti-abortion advocates are trying to implement what they call abortion trafficking bans. Legal experts say it’s not a sound argument.


‘Terrified of losing their rights’: abortion is a leading issue for Arizona’s Latino voters


Organizers hope those disillusioned by electoral politics will vote with an eye on abortion rights after fall of Roe

Abortion rights groups' leaders to campaign with Slotkin in Michigan Senate race


The leaders of three key abortion rights groups are traveling to Michigan this week to campaign for Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) in her bid for the U.S. Senate. The presidents of Emily’s List, Planned Parenthood and Reproductive Freedom…


‘Unthinkable’ normalised two years after US abortion ruling


Abortions in the US increased in 2023 compared to 2020, with increases most pronounced in states such as Illinois, New Mexico and Virginia, which border states with a ban, according to the Guttmacher Institute, an abortion rights research…


One Big, Unintended Consequence of the Failed Attempt to Ban the Abortion Pill


The more anti-abortion activists attacked mifepristone ... the more women flocked to use it.


Trump gives GOP moderates 'very helpful' breathing room on abortion


Former President Trump is giving moderate GOP lawmakers some breathing room on the explosive issue of abortion, treading unusually carefully on a topic Democrats are trying to make a political liability for swing-district Republicans.…


Judge rules federal agency cannot force Louisiana, Mississippi to offer employee accommodations for abortions


A federal judge granted a preliminary injunction to block a federal rule that would have required two states to provide workers with accommodations to obtain abortions.



Abortion not a factor as Arizona GOP Rep. Ciscomani leads in competitive race


Incumbent Republican Rep. Juan Ciscomani is leading in the race to win one of the most competitive districts in the entire country, a new survey shows.


Judge rules that federal agency can't enforce abortion rule in Louisiana and Mississippi


A federal judge on Monday granted the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as employers in two Southern states, temporary relief from complying with a federal rule that would have required them to provide workers with time off and…

Judge rules that federal agency can’t enforce abortion rule in Louisiana and Mississippi


NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge on Monday granted the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as employers…

Judge rules that federal agency can't enforce abortion rule in Louisiana and Mississippi


A federal judge on Monday granted the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as employers in two Southern states, temporary relief from complying with a federal rule that would have required them to provide workers with time off and…