It's no secret that most of us are skint in January. With 31 days in the month, it's a long way to go before payday post-Christmas. One way you can save money is by spending wisely at the supermarket.

According to data, the average household spends £82.6 on the weekly shop, which can quickly add up over the year to a shocking £4,295 in 12 months. So with this in mind, money-saving expert Richard Price owner of online supermarket Britsuperstore shares his advice on the best ways to save money on your food shop this 2024.

Money-saving food shopping tips

  • “Use Coupons and Discounts: Keep an eye out for coupons, discounts, and loyalty programs offered by the supermarket. Many supermarkets have apps that provide exclusive discounts. Saving: Depending on your diligence in finding and using coupons, you could save around £100 to £500 or more per year.
  • Buy Generic Brands: In many cases, generic or store brands are just as good as name brands but come at a lower price. Give them a try and see if you can save money without sacrificing quality. Saving: Opting for store or generic brands can save you around 20% to 50%, potentially saving a few hundred pounds annually.
  • Shop in Bulk: Buying in bulk can often be more cost-effective, especially for non-perishable items. Just be sure it's something you'll use before it expires. Saving: Buying in bulk can save you 10% to 30%, leading to savings of a few hundred pounds annually.
  • Compare Prices: Don't be afraid to compare prices between different brands and sizes. Sometimes, a larger package is more cost-effective than buying smaller quantities. Saving: Being mindful of prices and choosing cost-effective options could save you around £100 to £300 annually.
  • Shop Seasonally: Fruits and vegetables that are in-season are usually cheaper and fresher. Plan your meals based on seasonal produce to save money. Saving: Purchasing in-season produce can save you 20% to 30% on fresh produce costs, potentially saving £50 to £100 or more annually.
  • Avoid Shopping Hungry: Shopping on an empty stomach can lead to impulsive and unnecessary purchases. Eat a snack before heading to the supermarket to stay focused on your list. Saving: Shopping on a full stomach can prevent impulsive purchases, potentially saving you £50 to £100 or more annually.
  • Join a Rewards Program: Many supermarkets have loyalty programs that offer discounts, cashback, or points for future purchases. Take advantage of these programs to maximise your savings. Saving: Depending on your spending and the rewards program, you could save £50 to £200 or more per year.
  • Remember that saving money at the supermarket is often about being mindful of your choices and taking advantage of available discounts and promotions. Keep an eye on your budget and adapt these tips to your personal preferences and lifestyle.”