A mother who died after an alleged assault on holiday has today been described as "a true diamond" by devastated friends.

Jillian Hughes, 57, was rushed to hospital following an alleged altercation outside the Palace Hotel on Central Promenade in Douglas, Isle of Man, at around 9.20pm on Good Friday. The mum of three was declared dead in hospital.

Writing on social media, one of Jill's friends said: "How can this even be real? You were the most beautiful woman to walk this earth, an amazing mum to your three girls, a fabulous nan and a true diamond of a friend to me. You were there for everyone!

"I will miss my rosary beads from around the world because no matter where you went you always brought me a set home. This is not a goodbye because I’ll see you when I get there. May you rest in eternal peace Jill."

It is thought Jill, from Merseyside, was a mother of three and a grandmother. Although police have already charged a man with manslaughter, officers have appealed for witnesses to an altercation outside the Palace Hotel.

Another friend said: "Heartbroken for them. Such a lovely woman, had a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone. Loved by everyone. Sleep peacefully."

One friend wrote: "Heartbroken, my best friend from school. Heart of gold. We always had a catch up when we saw each other and a laugh. Sleep peacefully Jill Hughes, going to miss your smile and laugh. Thinking of your lovely family."

A fourth said: "So sad. The most thoughtful, lovely woman I know. RIP Jill thinking of your girls, and grandchildren and family. Heartbreaking news."

John Meadows, 53, appeared at Douglas Courthouse today charged with manslaughter, reports Liverpool Echo. Meadows, from Allerton, Liverpool, was remanded until his next court appearance on April 9 and no application was made for bail.

Detective Superintendent Stephen Maddocks, of Isle of Man Policem, said in a statement on Sunday: “I would like to thank the public for their help in relation to this matter. A number of witnesses have come forward following my appeal yesterday and I would encourage any other people who have yet come forward to do so.

"I am interested to hear from anyone who saw the man and woman in their 50s, together with another man and woman in their 20s, who had a small child with them. I am particularly interested to hear from anyone who saw the group as they passed the Castlemona Shops and their actions as they passed the Palace Hotel & Casino, which is where the Majestic Chinese Restaurant is located and the patrons inside the restaurant may well have witnessed an altercation between them."