Police cordoned off a beach - so a seal could relax in the sun.

Officers in Dorset were called to Durdle Door after the animal began sunbathing on the sand. They cordoned off a section of the beach to keep a safe distance between the mammal and the public - to avoid it getting stressed or disturbed. Purbeck Police posted: ''The sun finally shone this afternoon inviting a beautiful seal to Durdle Door beach for an afternoon of relaxation through the Easter holidays. "Police were called to cordon a section of beach off to keep a safe distance between the public and the Seal."

"This also provided the Seal with enough space to feel comfortable and avoid him getting stressed. As you can see, he did just that! If you have any concerns regarding any community issues in your area, please contact Dorset Police on 101 non-emergency or on our website.

A seal sunbathing on Durdle Door beach (
Purbeck Police/SWNS)

"If a crime is in progress or life is in danger, please call 999.#PCSO5429 #WarehamNPT #PurbeckPolice #DorsetPolice #SealOfApproval" Fellow beachgoers appreciated the police gesture, with one commenting: "Delighted you've done this.I know people are naturally curious but they really don't appreciate what too close is, causing needless stress to a beautiful seal."