Police have issued an urgent appeal to find a missing woman who was last seen at an NHS hospital in Manchester. Greater Manchester Police says Anika Khan was last seen at North Manchester General Hospital, in Crumpsall.

The 26-year-old is known to visit the Piccadilly Gardens area according to GMP, and members of the public are being urged to look out for her. A photo of Anika has been issued alongside an appeal on Facebook today (April 15).

In the image, Anika has dark, shoulder-length hair. However, GMP says she has since dyed her hair bright orange. The force says officers have 'concern for her welfare'.

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Anyone who sees Anika or has information on her whereabouts is being urged to come forward as soon as possible. A spokesperson for GMP Manchester North wrote on Facebook: "Anika Khan aged 26 years was last seen at North Manchester Hospital, she has dyed her hair bright orange.

"She has been seen frequenting Piccadilly Gardens. and there is concern for her welfare. Please contact PC McNeill if you have seen Anika or have any information on 07584 224 903."