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My girlfriend’s ex texts her whilst we’re having sex

DEAR DEIDRE: Although we have been together for seven months, my girlfriend constantly texts her ex. It’s causing endless fights.

She is 27 and I’m a guy of 30. We met at a driving range where she was having a lesson and I was on a stag do.

We hit it off in the clubhouse and started dating a couple of weeks later.

She moved into my flat two months ago and since then I’ve been alarmed at how regularly she keeps in contact with her ex.

He is a guy of 34 and they share a dog called Barney. Now, whenever I ask her about who she’s texting, she says, “I’m just checking up on Barney.”

But do you really need to ask after a dog five or six times a day? I’m sure there is more to it.

The texts come while we’re eating dinner, in bed, having sex. It ruins the mood when she grabs her phone. I’m fed up and wish they didn’t share a pet.

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DEIDRE SAYS: They may still share the dog but remember that their relationship is history.

Tell her you find the constant texting upsetting and ask her to mute her phone during meals or when you are in bed, particularly when you are having sex.

As a general rule, it is healthier to focus on the people in the room with you, rather than the barrage of notifications, updates and messages that demand attention via our phones.

Agreeing some healthy boundaries will benefit you both. My support pack Relationship MOT will also help.


Dear Deidre on relationships, jealousy and envy