Gary Glitter was once a household name for being one of the biggest rock stars in the 70s and not as the child abuser he is known today. He evaded justice for years, which meant the disgraced singer was able to continue committing his harrowing crimes while amassing a huge fortune.

As told in a new ITV1 documentary airing on Tuesday, April 23, Glitter continued to have massive chart success, cleverly fooling people with his charisma onstage, while covering up his dark world of predatory behaviour off stage. But after finally being exposed and facing punishment for abusing girls, the former star's financial stability did star to crumble.

Glitter, who sold an estimated 18 million records, is thought to be worth just over £6 million due to royalties and a London property. But, after the harrowing truths came to light, he was stripped of these privileges and now no longer owns the rights to his songs.

READ MORE: What crimes did Gary Glitter commit and is he still in prison?

Glitter was also being sued by a woman he sexually abused when she was 12. The case against the former singer returned to the High Court last month, as reported in the Mirror.

The paedophile, real name Paul Gadd, did not attend the previous hearing and has failed to engage with the claim in any way. Barrister Jonathan Metze representing the anonymous victim, known as MXC, told the court: "My client raises these damages as a result of serious sexual assaults committed by the defendant at the time when the claimant was a minor and the defendant was an adult.

"This abuse was of the most serious kind and it has had a profound and long lasting consequences for my client ever since."

Glitter was jailed in the late 1990s for possessing thousands of child abuse images. In 2002 he was expelled from Cambodia amid reports of sex crime allegations and in March 2006 he was convicted of sexually abusing two girls, aged 10 and 11, in Vietnam, and spent two-and-a-half years in jail.

The offences for which he was jailed in 2015 came to light as part of Operation Yewtree, the Metropolitan Police investigation launched in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal. Earlier this year, Glitter was accused of showing a "total lack of remorse" towards his victims by lawyers representing a woman he abused when she was 12 years old and who is now suing him. If Glitter serves his time in full, he would be aged 86 when he is released.

On March 13, 2023, it was revealed the former rock star had been sent back to jail for breaking bail rules just a month after being released. On February 7, 2024, Glitter's appeal for parole had been turned down. The Parole Board said: "It found on the evidence that at the time of the offending, and while he was on licence, Mr Gadd had a sexual interest in underage girls."

Glitter: The Popstar Paedophile airs on ITV1 tonight (Tuesday, April 23) at 9pm. It is also available to stream on ITVX.