The wife of Former DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has appeared in court, facing charges of aiding and abetting her husband in alleged sex offences.

Donaldson was released on continuing bail after he appeared in the dock on Wednesday to face a number of charges, including one count of rape.

The Westminster MP from Dromore, Co Down, was charged on March 28 with a series of historical sexual offences against two victims.

Hi co-accused Eleanor Donaldson, 58, was also charged at the time, and they were brought together to the Antrim Custody suite for interview by the PSNI's Public Protection Branch, Belfast Live reports.

According to the information on the court list, Donaldson faces a total of 11 charges against two individuals, six charges from one complainant and five from another complainant. The alleged victims cannot be identified for legal reasons.

His charges include gross indecency with or towards a child, nine charges of indecent assault, and one charge of rape.

The full list of charges against Eleanor Donaldson was revealed this morning ahead of her first appearance at Newry Magistrates' Court alongside her husband.

Eleanor Donaldson, faces four charges including aiding and abetting indecent assault and cruelty to a person under 16 years.

Eleanor Mary Elizabeth Donaldson, aged 58

  1. Cruelty to Person under 16 Years, contrary to Section 20(1) of the Children and Young Persons Act (Northern Ireland) 1968'

  2. Cruelty to Person under 16 Years, contrary to Section 20(1) of the Children and Young Persons Act (Northern Ireland) 1968'

  3. Aiding and abetting rape

  4. Aiding and abetting indecent assault on a female.

Sir Jeffrey has resigned as DUP leader and was suspended from the party

Mr Donaldson had formally written to the DUP on 28 March stating he had been charged with “allegations of an historical nature” and that he was stepping down from his party post.

The 61-year-old is understood to have flown to London on March 29 to stay at his city flat to wait out the 27 days until his court appearance in Newry Magistrates’ Court on April 24.

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