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A HAIRCARE expert has revealed an easy way to keep locks healthy and promote growth at home.

She said there’s a lot of “buzz” on social media about a specific oil but people should focus on taking haircare advice from industry professionals.

Haircare expert Gaia Tonanzi shared advice for coping with shedding locks (stock image)
Haircare expert Gaia Tonanzi shared advice for coping with shedding locks (stock image)Credit: Getty

Gaia Tonanzi has spent over seven years working with curly hair brands to develop award-winning products. 

She has racked up over 63,000 followers on Instagram from sharing her advice and is the founder of blog Tootilab.

Speaking to The U.S. Sun, she revealed haircare is relatively “straightforward” when equipped with the right knowledge.

“I encourage people to seek the help of relevant professionals rather than relying on the latest TikTok craze, focusing on health,” Tonanzi said.

“The first step I always recommend if you're struggling with hair loss is to go and see a trichologist. 

“Don't self-diagnose. 

“Sometimes what we think is hair loss is just very normal seasonal shedding, and having a professional look at our scalp and tell us that everything is ok can do incredible things to our self-esteem. 

“I have received so much positive feedback from people who were stressing about the hair coming out in the shower, who saw my videos about shedding and realized that there wasn't anything wrong with them.”

I've been disguising my thinning hair for 15 years - my 2 styling products add more density & give really good coverage


Tonanzi said hair loss causes vary and can include genetics, overall health, stress, a lack of sleep, and hormones. 

“Even a deficiency in some vitamins and minerals can have an impact, so it's important to maintain a healthy, varied diet if you want your hair to thrive,” she said.

“But hair loss can also be linked to how you take care of your hair. 

“If you don't wash it enough, or if you only use cleansers that are too gentle, like co-washes, product build-up and sebum can accumulate in your hair follicles and in more serious cases cause hair loss. 

“The hairstyles you wear can also be damaging: if you often wear very tight styles that pull at your hairline, this could lead to traction alopecia.”


The haircare expert said further hair loss can be prevented by styling hair in ways that cause the least possible tension on the scalp.

She recommended avoiding sleek ponytails, tight braids, and extensions, instead favoring wearing your hair down or in looser styles such as half up or a messy bun.

“The truth is that hair growth is an internal process, so to really be able to influence it you can't use a cosmetic - you need to use a drug,” she said.

All the buzz around rosemary oil was based on a very flawed study.

Gaia Tonanzi

“Cosmetics, by law, cannot alter internal bodily processes, so they can have a very limited impact on your actual hair growth. 

“All the buzz around rosemary oil was based on a very flawed study, so there actually isn't any evidence that it does anything to the hair.

“There is some evidence that massaging your scalp can help increase blood flow, which ultimately supports healthy hair growth. 

“If you choose to do daily massages, pick a water-based scalp serum rather than an oil. 

“It is actually damaging to leave oil on your scalp for long periods of time, and it can lead to conditions such as dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.”

Tips for styling thinning hair

Rachael E. D Sey is a certified trichologist with almost 15,000 Instagram followers.

She revealed to The U.S. Sun how to protect hair from further loss.


Sey recommended opting for a top knot or loosely braided ponytail over styles that tension strands.

She also advised to limit the use of heat tools such as a hair dryer or straightener.

Those who have afro hair, should avoid braids or consider larger braids.

DIY treatments

The trichologist said hair should be washed regularly and trimmed every six weeks.

She recommended using hair oils to help "improve scalp circulation and follicles."


Tonanzi revealed the cause of hair loss will dictate how long it takes for shedding to stop after starting any treatment.

She said hair loss related to genetics isn't always reversible.

However, it may be worth speaking to a nutritionist for advice on the best diet to boost general hair health.


She said there isn’t a “one size fits all” approach to taking supplements because people have different deficiencies. 

“If you just get regular hair growth supplements, but you're already absorbing enough through your diet, your body is simply going to eliminate the extra nutrients via your digestive system, so you'd just be wasting money,” she said.

Tonanzi said oils can be damaging if they are left on the scalp for too long (stock image)
Tonanzi said oils can be damaging if they are left on the scalp for too long (stock image)Credit: Getty