The Chase viewers were left in disbelief when a doctor contestant fluffed a medical-related question on the popular ITV quiz show.

In a recent repeat episode, four hopefuls faced off against Shaun Wallace, aka The Dark Destroyer, with their eyes on the prize pot. Lloyd from Hertfordshire was the first to step up, but his cash builder round didn't go too well. His head-to-head with Shaun kicked off with a query about the purpose and typical location of a Tachograph.

Lloyd incorrectly guessed 'hospital' instead of the right answer, 'lorry'. To the audience's surprise, fellow contestant Hashim, who hails from Stockport and works as a doctor, initially nodded in agreement before realising the mistake. Viewers were quick to express their astonishment and amusement on Twitter over the gaffe. One viewer tweeted: "Oh lord... god help his patients #TheChase." Another penned: "Ones a f***ing doctor, god help us all #thechase," while a third chimed in with laughter: "hahaha the doctor was nodding at hospital and it was wrong #thechase."

Even host Bradley Walsh couldn't hide his shock at the doctor's error. Hashim later explained that he had been thinking of a different type of graph, which did little to salvage the situation. As the game progressed, Cate from Middlesborough got caught by The Chaser, but the remaining team members managed to reach the final chase.

Hashim got the medical question wrong (
(Image: ITV))

The final three contestants, with £9,000 in the jackpot, managed to answer 14 questions correctly. Despite Shaun's best efforts, he got one of the last questions wrong, allowing the group to walk away with the prize money. The team successfully pushed back the Chaser after he incorrectly answered four questions, resulting in each member walking away with a cool £3,000.

Viewers were left chuckling during last night's episode when a contestant gave a rather "hilarious" response to a history question. During the cashbuilder round, Lisa was asked about the Royal Family's history and who ascended to the throne ten years after Queen Victoria's death.

The correct answer was George V, who was crowned in May 1910. However, under pressure, Lisa blurted out: "Victoria the Second?" The awkward blunder comes just days after viewers were left swooning over a "hot" contestant who looked just like Ryan Clark. Joining fellow contestants Alan, Fey and Suzi was 24-year-old Theo, a social media manager. Introducing himself, Theo said: "I work for a competition company and we give out prizes every day - and I'm lucky enough that when people win those prizes, whether it be a car or cash, I go and give it to them."

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