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MIKEL ARTETA has picked the brains of Invincibles boss Arsene Wenger in a bid to end Arsenal’s title drought.

Twenty years ago this week, Wenger’s Gunners won their last Premier League trophy away at Spurs, ending the 2003-04 campaign unbeaten.

Arsene Wenger guided Arsenal to their previous Prem title in 2003/04
Arsene Wenger guided Arsenal to their previous Prem title in 2003/04Credit: AFP - Getty
Mikel Arteta has called on the legendary boss' experience
Mikel Arteta has called on the legendary boss' experienceCredit: Reuters

Asked if he had contacted the Frenchman, 74, for title-winning advice, Arteta said: “I have spoken to him a few times. There were certain topics about how they won it and the latter stages.

“He used to talk about that when I was a player. It is always there in the hard drive.

“For this time of the season, at the end it is about finding a way to win the game. And that is it.

“You can do it in various ways, when you look at how [Wenger’s Arsenal] won the titles.

“How they won certain games with very, very, very close margins.

“He always talked about that and who is going to step up on the occasion to make it happen.”

Arteta’s side go to Tottenham on Sunday, knowing victory will keep them top with three league games remaining.

The Spaniard played under Wenger at the Emirates from 2011 to 2016, before filling the Gunners’ managerial hot-seat in December 2019.


Arsenal can win their remaining four Prem outings this term and still NOT be crowned champions, with Manchester City currently one point behind with a game in hand.

Liverpool are three points adrift of top spot after losing 2-0 to local rivals Everton.

How Arteta's tactical masterstroke turned Havertz into Arsenal's most important player

Yet Arteta is not convinced it is now a two-horse race, adding: “This league is tremendously demanding and there can be still a lot of turns.

“We know what we have to do to win this league.

“We have to perform the best possible way and win our matches and wait to see what happens.”
