The Tories spent £1million boasting about levelling up in adverts, rather than spending it on actually levelling up the country.

Ministers blew more than £1.1m promoting the policy in ads between October 2023 and February 2024, according to figures released by the Government under Freedom of Information laws.

Liberal Democrat Helen Morgan MP said: "This is a massive waste of taxpayers cash by the Conservatives. It is a complete farce.

“Every penny of this should have been spent on actually levelling up the country. Instead Conservative ministers are throwing eye-watering sums at advertising their failures.”

The final total is likely to be even higher. The department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities admitted they'd spent around £300,000 on advertising the policy every month between October and January - followed by £45,000 in February.

But figures from March 2024 were not included because they have yet to be finalised.

Ms Morgan added: "Ministers should apologise to every community turned down for levelling up money. "This Conservative government has put self-congratulations over helping communities, including mine in Shropshire."

A Levelling Up department spokesperson said: “This UK wide campaign is designed to help communities and local businesses seize the opportunities from our £15 billion levelling up funds, which are creating jobs and boosting investment for local people.”

They added: "These numbers are nothing new, as we regularly publish any departmental spend exceeding £250 and all government communications campaigns must meet strict government criteria to make sure they deliver value for taxpayers.”