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BBC Proms: Eternity in an Hour

April 25, 2024 at 10:33 am UTC

Eric returns to the BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall with a new BBC co-commission, Eternity in an Hour.

“I have long been transfixed by the opening lines of William Blake’s extraordinary poem ‘Auguries of Innocence’. It seemed to me that Blake had simply and perfectly described presencethat elusive state where past and future cease to exist and all that remains is a profound sense of wonder in even the most ordinary objects. My hope with “Eternity in an Hour” is that the music will help the listener (and the performers, and candidly, me) experience a little bit of that awe and timelessness.” – Eric Whitacre

BBC Singers
12 Ensemble
Christopher Glynn piano
Eric Whitacre conductor

Learn more on the BBC Proms website.


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