A 20-year-old predator from Tiverton has been locked up for sexual offences against two teenage girls. Fenton Clapp made £800 a day from selling ecstasy pills to users in the town, a court heard.

Many of his customers were children who he would meet in Amory Park and sell them pills known as 'pingers'. Clapp took advantage one of his victims, a 14-year-old girl, after she bought MDMA from him and was barely able to move due to intoxication.

He assaulted his other victim, a 15-year-old girl, after she visited his flat and fell asleep. She woke to find him sexually molesting her.

Clapp appeared at Exeter Crown Court to be sentenced for a spree of crime committed over an 18-month period when he was aged 18 and 19. In addition to the sexual offences he was also convicted of affray, possessing indecent images, and offering to supply ecstasy, cocaine and ketamine.

He also stole a handbag from a woman's mobility scooter and used her debit card to buy goods at local shops.

Clapp, of no fixed abode, was sentenced to eight years and nine months. This includes a period of two years and seven months that must be served on extended licence due to the danger he poses to the public.

Judge David Evans said Clapp was egotistical and lacked empathy. He added: "The callous way you supplied drugs to anyone, regardless of age, and sought sexual gratification regardless of age and discomfort and intoxication and consent cannot be explained by the malign effects of a raging drug habit."

Prosecutor Simon Burns said the 14-year-old was supplied with ecstasy by Clapp in Amory Park. With a group of friends she went back to his flat where he gave her more pills "free of charge" and vodka to take it with. She may have had as many as nine pills and felt too tired and heavy to leave.

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Clapp took advantage of her vulnerable state and started to have sex with her but she told him to stop.

The 15-year-old was assaulted during a separate incident at his flat in Bampton Street, the court heard. She went to his flat and fell asleep with him on the sofa while watching movies. She woke to find him with his hands in her pants. It was a short incident and Clapp pretended nothing had happened, said the prosecutor.

The victims said in statements the sexual assaults had left them traumatised and feeling manipulated. One said: "Because of that man I've got so many scars. I get memories of that night all because he couldn't keep his hands to himself. He will never change. I hope he pays for everything he has done."

The other girl said she suffers flashbacks. "No matter what sentence he receives it will never be the mental life sentence I have to deal with."

When police analysed the defendant's phone they found he had a flourishing trade selling drugs, including offering cocaine, MDMA and ketamine.

The affray happened in July of last year. An army veteran attending a BMX event the next day parked his van near the park. He heard an argument between Clapp and his partner outside and asked if she was okay.

Clapp got angry and immediately started threatening the man, telling him to mind his own business and calling him a fat c**t". He then called for his friends to join in and the gang started throwing stones at the van. Clapp is said to have threatened the man with a knife saying he would shank him.

A month later a woman was preparing to go shopping and left her handbag on her mobility scooter outside her home while she went inside. Clapp took the bag, which contained shopping vouchers, mobile phone and £200 cash.

At the same time she was reporting the theft Clapp was using her cards to buy goods in shops in Tiverton. The empty purse was found later in Amory Park.

A pre-sentence report said Clapp poses a real danger to underage girls and women. Francesca Whebell, defending, said Clapp has a long-standing and severe drug addiction.

Clapp admitted a total of 13 offences, including sexual activity with a child, assault by penetration and offering to supply drugs.

Judge David Evans said Clapp had taken advantage of underage girls in a vulnerable state. He said the offending was "a combination of drug supply and your quest for sexual gratification."

"The sad truth about you is that with regard to your drug supply offending and sexual partners you simply do not care how old they are."

He said it was necessary to impose an extended sentence to protect the public and the parole board will assess the risk he poses before he is due for release part way through the sentence.

Afterwards Detective Constable Andrew Stacey said: “We welcome the sentence which would not have been possible without the victims' courage and support throughout the investigation.

“Clapp is a dangerous and manipulative young man with absolutely no regard for the individuals he hurt. He was given a damning pre-sentence report by probation services which the judge accepted resulted in Clapp being given extra time in prison.

“I hope the sentencing outcome brings a sense of closure for all of the victims involved in this case as they move forward with their lives.”

If you or someone you know has been a victim of rape or sexual assault, don't suffer in silence. Report it to the police by calling 101, or 999 in an emergency.

You can report information anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. There are lots of organisations and support agencies available across Devon and Cornwall that can help provide support.

For more information on rape and serious sexual assault and the support services available, visit support pages by clicking here.

Advice and support is also offered by our partner agencies:

  • National Rape Crisis Helpline 0808 802 9999
  • Victim Care Unit (Devon and Cornwall) 01392 475900
  • Devon and Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC) 0300 3034626