Narinder Kaur has thanked Jeremy Vine for his support amid a police investigation into Laurence Fox.

Earlier this week, Kaur has declared that the incident involving Fox, who posted an 'upskirt photo' of her on social media, is now in the hands of the police. The former Big Brother contestant took to social media on Thursday to address the situation after Fox shared the unauthorised image on Twitter (X) without her permission.

The image, which was originally taken by paparazzi, depicted a younger Kaur unwittingly exposed while seated in a vehicle. Fox uploaded the picture on Wednesday night, seemingly to mock Kaur's political stances and her criticism of former glamour model Leilani Dowding.

Fox, who has recently been slapped with a hefty £180,000 legal bill for defaming two individuals on Twitter, added a snide remark alongside the photo: "I for one applaud the celebration of modesty which Narinder highlighted in her criticism of @LeilaniDowding for getting her b**s out. We need standards in public life."

Upskirting is a criminal offence in the UK, and following widespread backlash, the photograph has since been scrubbed from various online platforms. It was circulated without Kaur's knowledge or consent and sparked outrage among netizens when Fox, who boasts nearly half a million followers, decided to share it.

Posting on Twitter on Thursday night, Jeremy Vine shared a link to the Mirror's report regarding Fox's potential criminal offence and added: "Wishing ⁦@narindertweets well ... this is nasty Laurence Fox posts indecent photo of TV host from 17 years ago." One Twitter user named Amy replied to Vine's tweet, writing: "Beyond vile. Let’s hope the @metpoliceuk hurry up and do their job." Kaur, who often appears on Vine's Channel 5 show, replied to both accounts and wrote: " have been a God send. I will forever be grateful to you and Jeremy."

Kaur took to Twitter on Thursday morning, sharing a link to the Mirror's article about Fox's alleged offence and stated: "This is now a police matter." She was met with support from her followers, with one replying: "What he did was despicable. I hope you are ok and I hope the police throw the book at him," To this, the ex-Big Brother contestant expressed her distress: "I'm really not ok...just want that pic gone."

Laurence Fox is yet to apologise for sharing the image on Twitter (X) (
Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images)
Narinder Kaur reported the incident to the police, who are looking into the matter (
Getty Images)

The Met Police confirmed their awareness of the incident to the Mirror, saying: "We have been made aware of a post on social media regarding an up-skirting offence and we are currently working to establish the circumstances."

A close pal of Kaur confided to the Mirror that there was shock at Fox's actions: "The fact that a standing politician like Laurence Fox would stoop to such lows is completely disgusting. Narinder has always been vocal about issues she cares about and while she's endured horrendous backlash before, she never expected to become the target of such vicious attacks. It's appalling that more high-profile figures, who Narinder regularly works with, haven't spoken out in support of Narinder. But the truth is, they're scared."

"They've seen how volatile and cult-like Fox's followers can be. His followers are renowned for being aggressive and relentless in their attacks. This makes figures afraid of facing the same kind of backlash if they challenge him. It's a sad reflection of the times we're living in when standing up for what's right comes with such risks. It's created a chilling effect, where even those who would typically speak out against such behaviour are staying silent out of fear."

Kaur's friend concluded: "Narinder deserves better than this. She's worked tirelessly to make her voice heard in amongst a male-dominated, increasingly right wing rhetoric and this setback is crushing. She's determined to reclaim her dignity, no matter how daunting the challenge may seem."

Fox's decision to share the photo without Kaur's consent on Wednesday night has met with backlash from several Twitter users, but he remains unphased. Broadcaster Esther Krakue criticised him, stating: "This is low, even for you." Fox retorted: "She's a nasty racist who has mocked @LeilaniDowding for her page three days. She can go cry victim all she wants. It's not my fault she forgot to put her pants on, the whining cry bully hypocrite."

In response to Fox's defence, a fellow Twitter user countered: "Surely you must see that "mocking" someone isn't on the same level as posting intimate images of them online without their consent. It's like if someone said you were a racist, you couldn't then accuse them of the crime of being a paedophile it's not an equal response."

Unmoved, Fox shot back: "I don't take the photo and I didn't forget to put my pants on. Jog on." The Twitter user implied that even though Fox may not have taken the original photo, sharing it amounted to criminal intimate image abuse. Another user admonished: "Revenge porn isn't worthy of you darling." To which Fox quickly retorted: "I think you might need to look up the definition of "revenge porn". It's not my fault she forgot to put her pants on."

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