Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey has issued his response ahead of a Channel 4 documentary airing about him on Monday, May 6. The new documentary, Spacey Unmasked, is set to bring new allegations to light about the House of Cards star.

Last year Spacey was found not guilty by a jury of nine sexual offences alleged by four men between 2001 and 2013 after a trial in London. He also won a US civil lawsuit in October 2022, after being accused of an unwanted sexual advance at a party in 1986.

Speaking to former GB News presenter Dan Wootton, Spacey shared his thoughts on the new documentary and denied allegations against him.

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"I take full responsibility for my past behaviour and my actions, but I cannot and will not take responsibility or apologise to anyone who's made up stuff about me or exaggerated stories about me," Spacey told Wootton, who was fired from GB News last year. He added: "I've never told someone that if they give me sexual favours, then I will help them out with their career, never.

"I've clearly hooked up with some men who thought they might get ahead in their careers by having a relationship with me. But there was no conversation with me, it was all part of their plan, a plan that was always destined to fail, because I wasn't in on the deal."

During the interview, he denied accusations of any illegal behaviour, but did say he had made "clumsy passes" at people in the past. "Were there times when I would flirt with some of the people who were involved in those programmes who were in their 20s? Yes," he said.

"Did I ever hook up with another actor? Yes. Did I make a clumsy pass at someone who wasn't interested as it turned out? Yes. But I was not employing them, I was not their boss, I was often times just swimming in for an hour here or there as a well-known actor to lend support... to answer questions. That may not have been the best decision, and it is not one that I would do today, but it happened. It wasn't illegal, and nor has it ever been alleged to have been illegal."

In 2017 allegations were first made about Spacey and Netflix, the makers of House of Cards, subsequently cut ties with the actor. Two-part documentary Spacey Unmasked begins on Channel 4 at 9pm on Monday, May 6. For the latest TV & Showbiz news, sign up to our newsletter.