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STUBBORN limescale can build up on the shower glass in almost no time - but fortunately, there is a cheap hack to banish the unsightly marks.

According to one expert, all you need is a common household cleaning solution that acts a natural bleach and will leave the bathroom sparkling.

Not only is limescale unsightly, it can also ruin your appliances over time, experts have warned
Not only is limescale unsightly, it can also ruin your appliances over time, experts have warnedCredit: Getty Images - Getty
Luckily, there's an easy way to tackle the white marks, using two common kitchen essentials
Luckily, there's an easy way to tackle the white marks, using two common kitchen essentialsCredit: Getty

Instead of using harsh chemicals from the store, the pro, Joyce French at HomeHow.co.uk, advised to stock to lemon and salt.

The humble yet effective fruit, which is available in most supermarkets, is both antibacterial and antiseptic, as lemons contain citric acid.

What's more, not only do they work wonders to tackle grimey limescale, lemon can also be used to remove mould and mildew, as well as rust.

Sharing the purse-friendly hack with The Express, Joyce explained how fellow cleaning enthusiasts can use lemon and salt to get rid of limescale and soap residue from shower glass.

She said: "Shower doors can easily become quite grimy over time. Luckily, you don’t need any harsh cleaning chemicals to get them gleaming again.

"Simply cut a lemon in half and dip one half in salt. Use this to scrub the doors.

"The abrasive salt content and the acidity of the lemon will eat away at all of the mineral and soap scum build-up. Plus, the lemon will also leave your shower smelling citrusy-fresh."

When performing this hack, Joyce also recommended to not scrub too hard, as the abrasive nature of salt could scratch the glass.

Don't have lemon and salt at hand? The pro suggested using white vinegar as an alternative.

For this, simply create a mixture of one part vinegar and one part water, she instructed.

My clever cleaning tactic means you only have to dust your home once a month - mix 3 ingredients you already have

Once done, apply the mixture to the water stains and allow it to work its magic for around 15 minutes.

When the vinegar has had time to break down all the debris, cleaning fans ca use a toothbrush to scrub the scum away, before giving the glass a quick rinse and wiping the surface clean and dry.

The cupboard essential can be bought from Tesco for 35p and Sainsbury's for 40p, whilst Stamford Street Co. Unwaxed Lemons cost 81p for five from Sainsbury's which works out to be 16p per lemon. 

Rival Ocado sells five lemons for £1.70 and supermarket Morrisons sells a four-pack of lemons for an affordable 65p.

Dirtiest Items In Your Home You’re Probably Forgetting To Clean

Research shows people are exposed to an average of 60,000 types of germs on a daily basis.

Cleaning expert and Product Development Scientist at Astonish, Olivia Young, reveals the dirtiest items in your home and how to clean them.

Kitchen sponges or cloths

Some of the items we use to clean surfaces are actually the dirtiest. From wiping down worktops, to cleaning dishes, kitchen sponges or clothes are used multiple times throughout the day. And when doing so, it’s usually wet and warm, meaning if it’s not cleaned properly, it can be a prime spot for bacteria to grow.

As a general rule of thumb, if you’ve used your sponge for around two weeks – it’s time to replace it.


Shoes are without a doubt an item in your home that is full of bacteria. A study suggested a single shoe sole has an average of 421,000 units of bacteria, but there’s no need to panic.

Most of these germs that gather on shoes won’t come into contact with other areas of your house, assuming that you take them off as you enter or put them in a box in your wardrobe. 

Pet bowls and toys

Pet bowls have actually been found to be the third most contaminated item in households, meaning they are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria that could make you and your pet unwell. 

Give them a wash with warm soapy water after each use to keep bacteria at bay. For toys, if they’re plastic you can soak them in warm water with either disinfectant or soap, soft toys can be cleaned thoroughly in a washing machine on a gentle cycle. 

Toothbrush holder

Your toothbrush holder is probably not something you’ve considered to be dirty – but there’s more germs in the container that holds your toothbrush, than the taps on your sink.  

Clean your toothbrush holder at least once or twice a week.

What is limescale?

Limescale, or calcium carbonate, leaves white watermarks and chalky deposits on your sink, shower or toilet after water evaporates.

This is a particularly common concern for those who lives in hard water areas, such as Luton and Ipswich, where they will also notice limescale build-up in bathroom or kitchen appliances.

Read More on The US Sun

Is limescale dangerous?

Although it can look rather unsightly, limescale is not a hazardous substance, experts at Mira Showers explained, adding '', it’s perfectly safe to drink water straight from the tap''.

However, the common issue can interfere with the performance of your taps, pipes and showerheads, leading to blockages and reduced water pressure.
