A man who repeatedly had sex with his own mother, who claimed he took advantage of her while she was drunk, has walked free.

The man, who cannot be named due to his mother having lifelong anonymity as a victim of a sex offence, was cleared of raping his mother at Newcastle Crown Court following a trial. He pleaded guilty to two offences of having sexual intercourse with an adult relative.

Daniel Cordey, prosecuting, said the woman had been drinking heavily at the time of the offences. He added: "In her words, he started to take advantage of her sexually. She would often binge drink and would be very drunk. Against that background, he was drinking as well. He had sex with her at least five times."

The man, from Newcastle, had been estranged from his mother as a child, but came back into contact with her after he returned to the North East. He was sentenced to a two-year community order with rehabilitation and was told he must sign the sex offenders register for five years, ChronlicleLive reported.

Recorder David Gordon told him people would be "disgusted at the thought of you having sex with your mother." He added: "She had not raised you but that's in no way to excuse your behaviour in this matter, which, as I say, will disgust many, but this is not a court of morals."

The court heard the man was mentally unwell after his arrest and during that period admitted to having had sex with his mother. He had also contacted his dad on Facebook and asked him not to be mad and indicated he had sex with his mother.

The judge added: "You stood trial in relation to matters of rape, much more serious offences and the jury acquitted you in relation to those two counts. You are remorseful, you are sorry for what you did. At the time you lacked maturity."

Christopher Knox, defending, said the man was brought up in "unhappy circumstances," and was vulnerable. He added: "They weren't mother and son in the conventional sense." A person found guilty of sexual intercourse with an adult relative is liable to serve a prison stint not exceeding six months or not exceeding the statutory maximum or both.