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WITH the weather warming up and summer on its way, chances are you'll be eager to get your outdoor haven looking spic and span for BBQ season.

But if you're soon to be hosting guests but are horrified at the sight of your filthy-looking patio, then no fear, because you've come to the right place.

Hayley revealed how she cleaned her patio using two items - including a 62p household staple
Hayley revealed how she cleaned her patio using two items - including a 62p household stapleCredit: Getty
The gardening fan used Fairy Liquid to give her patio a new lease of life
The gardening fan used Fairy Liquid to give her patio a new lease of lifeCredit: Simon Jones

That's because gardening fans have been raving about two bargain buys that they say does the trick in an instant - including a 62p household item.

And the best part of all? There's no pricey pressure washer needed.

It comes after a woman named Hayley took to Facebook group Gardening On A Budget Official and shared a before photo of her dirty looking patio, before revealing that she used Fairly Liquid and Wet and Forget to get it looking brand new again.

"Thank you to everyone’s advice the other day..." she wrote.

"So I’ve just used Wet and Forget then let that dry then scrubbed them with a brush and washing up liquid."

I’m really impressed how it’s worked out

HayleySocial media user

"I’m really impressed how it’s worked out."

While Fairy Liquid can be bought for as little as 62p from your local supermarket, a 2l bottle of Wet and Forget retails at £18 from the likes of Wickes or Amazon.

However, one use should cost around £4.50 a time because the liquid gets diluted.

The popular product claims to "effectively remove contaminants with no water washing or scrubbing required! and works on patios, driveways and fencing.

Plus, it also has an unlimited shelf life, making it a cheap and effective way to transform and maintain garden surfaces year in, year out.

Transform your green patio back to looking new with magic cleaner

It wasn't long before the initial post racked up several comments, with many quick to praise the bargain buys.

"Brilliant!" enthused one.

A second commented: "Looking good!"

Meanwhile, a third asked: "Looks great! How did you apply it please? I just used a brush & roller on my fence & it worked straight away!"

Hayley replied: "I just used a watering can."

Elsewhere, others suggested that Wet and Forget is good enough to work on its own.

Read More on The US Sun

What does an expert suggest?

ABS Fencing shared a list of do’s and don’ts when it comes to cleaning green algae off your fence.

  • Don’t use household mould or mildew remover sprays as these are generally intended for use on hard surfaces indoor.
  • Don’t use bleach in the garden, it kills a lot more than the mould.
  • Don’t try sanding back the top surface of the wood, as algae will just regrow back.
  • Don’t bother with power hosing – that only opens up the timber grain and allows more water inside, making the problem worse down the line.
  • Do use white vinegar mixed with hot water in a spray bottle and work it in with a brush, leave for 30 mins or more, then hose down.
  • Do repaint when dry with good quality fence paint.

"Wet & Forget takes a few days to work then continues to work for up to 6 months," someone added.

And a further chimed in: "Save yourself the hard work. Wet and Forget will get that result by just spraying and leaving a few dry days!

Satisfied customers have left five star reviews for Wet & Forget
Satisfied customers have left five star reviews for Wet & ForgetCredit: Wet & Forget