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‘Woke’ racists

WHO would have imagined so many of history’s wokest, most educated and supposedly most empathetic generation would out themselves as sickening racists?

Most of us assumed, after the horrors of the Holocaust, that anti-Semitism was confined now to tiny minorities on the far right and left. But here we are.

Students who illegally glorify Hamas, or voice anti-Jewish racism, must be stripped of their uni places and their state finance
Students who illegally glorify Hamas, or voice anti-Jewish racism, must be stripped of their uni places and their state financeCredit: PA

Students who perhaps began merely demanding peace for Gaza — which everyone wants — have putrefied into snarling anti-Semites.

They justify the slaughter of Jews as “resistance”.

They brand Israel, the Middle East’s sole democracy and the world’s only Jewish homeland, an “apartheid terror state” which must be destroyed. They admire the butchering rapists of Hamas as “freedom fighters”.

And this has now gone far beyond fashionable leftist protest into abuse, even violence, against Jewish students. Many live in fear on their campuses.


Our universities must not indulge this obscenity, as those in the US shamefully have. Rishi Sunak was right to haul their leaders in yesterday.

Students who illegally glorify Hamas, or voice anti-Jewish racism, must be stripped of their uni places and their state finance.

Universities which fail to act must face crippling fines.

Enough is enough.

Clueless Joe

HOW appalling to watch America’s feeble President lose his nerve over Hamas.

Cowed by naive students, ranting Islamist extremists and hand-wringing Democrats, Joe Biden vows to halt arms shipments to Israel if Rafah is attacked to finally root out the terror group.

Rafah operation is essential for Israel to wipe out Hamas, they've re-grouped says expert

What’s his plan, exactly? Hobble Israeli forces and draw this hideous conflict out even longer? Leave the terrorists in charge and hope for the best, like he did in Afghanistan? Biden hasn’t a clue.

Civilian casualties in Gaza are appalling. No one — Israel included — wants more . . . except Hamas, for whom each death is a PR opportunity.

If they cared about their citizens they would surrender, hand over any surviving hostages and let Gazans build better lives free from their tyranny.

Hamas MUST be destroyed, like Hitler’s genocidal Nazis before them. Idiotic students can’t grasp that simple reality.

It should not be beyond the so-called leader of the free world.

Snaily Bailey

NO ONE could accuse Bank of England chief Andrew Bailey of rushing into anything.

Our cost-of-living crisis was worsened by his sluggishness over raising interest rates when inflation first surged.


So when Jeremy Hunt urges him now not to cut rates too fast he needn’t worry. It’s the last thing Bailey will do.

We’d prefer the Chancellor to demand to know when he WILL lower them — and make mortgages cheaper.
